2| Vidyut Rajvanshi

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Author's Pov:-

(you can skip-this boring para and jump into Vidyut's pov directly)

Vidyut Rajvanshi entered the sleek boardroom with confidence, a set of meticulously prepared presentation slides in hand.

The room was adorned with architectural blueprints, giving a glimpse of the grand mall he envisioned.

Mr. Sangharsh Singhania, a distinguished businessman known for his astute investments, sat at the head of the table, his piercing eyes fixed on Vidyut.

Vidyut took a moment to establish eye contact with Mr. Singhania and then began his presentation.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Singhania. I appreciate the opportunity to share my vision for the upcoming mall project. I believe it's not just about bricks and mortar but creating a space that becomes a lifestyle hub for the community."

He clicked to the first slide, showcasing an artist's rendering of the mall's exterior.

"This is not just another shopping center; it's an architectural masterpiece. The facade will be a blend of modern design and eco-friendly elements, creating a sustainable and visually appealing structure."

As he smoothly transitioned to the next slide, Vidyut delved into the unique features.

"Our mall will have a diverse mix of retail spaces, from high-end boutiques to local artisans, catering to a wide demographic. Entertainment zones, a state-of-the-art cinema, and a food court with international cuisines will make it a one-stop destination for families and individuals alike."

Vidyut emphasized the technological aspect,

"We are integrating cutting-edge technology to enhance the overall shopping experience. Smart parking will ensure convenience, and our digital platforms will provide personalized recommendations to shoppers, creating a seamless and engaging atmosphere."

Mr. Singhania listened attentively, nodding occasionally.

Vidyut continued, "Furthermore, our commitment to sustainability is evident in the design. Solar panels, rainwater harvesting, and energy-efficient lighting will not only reduce our ecological footprint but also align with the growing demand for environmentally conscious spaces."

Vidyut concluded his presentation with financial projections, demonstrating the potential return on investment. "Mr. Singhania, I believe this mall is not just a business venture; it's an investment in the future of retail. The strategic location, innovative design, and commitment to sustainability make it a lucrative opportunity. I am confident that with your expertise and our shared vision, this project will redefine the shopping experience in our city."

As he finished, Vidyut looked expectantly at Mr. Singhania, awaiting his response to the ambitious proposal.

(Sangharsh Singhania my hubbyyyy is here!! you'll don't know him but Ik, I'm hehe too excited about his book-)

(Sangharsh Singhania my hubbyyyy is here!! you'll don't know him but Ik, I'm hehe too excited about his book-)

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Ugh, today is a big day. 

Mr. Sangharsh Singhania finally accepted my business proposal for my most significant project – the mall project. This is going to be my biggest venture ever.

After a hectic day, I finally got free from work.

I sighed slowly while sitting on my bed and looked outside the window.

It was almost 10 at night, and the city was still busy.

Cars and bikes were running here and there. 

People here can't even sleep; I can hear horns all night, even at 2 in the morning.

I didn't have much to do, so I opened my mobile phone and started checking my emails and some business news.

I don't have much to share with you guys, and even if I did, I wouldn't. 

I'm a very reserved person, so don't expect sweet, blushy, mushy romance from me.

I don't believe in love or any kind of relationship, including marriage. 

My mom's actions and the trust issues she gave me are the reasons behind it.

After giving birth to my younger sister Kritika, she got involved in an extramarital affair with my dad's friend and filed a divorce case against my father, accusing him of mental and physical abuse, even though my dad loved and respected her the most.

It was a traumatic phase of my life that I don't want to remember, but it always flashes in front of my eyes.

My dad is a sweet and caring person. 

Despite what my mom did to him, he didn't throw her out of his company.

I don't understand why people with such good hearts exist. 

This cruel world doesn't deserve that much goodness.

Shamelessly, my mom still works in my father's company.

I don't know how she faces my father after doing such things, but then I remember how shameless she had to be to involve herself in an extramarital affair with his husband's friend after having three kids, so this is nothing compared to that.

When the first woman in your life does such things, you become as traumatized as I am.

I don't trust women as much as I thought because it seems like they just want me for my wealth and reputation.

But I have a cute, sweet sister who gives me every reason to love her.

Kritika is such a sweetheart gift for me. 

I also have a younger brother, Kushagra, who is older than Kritika, but I'm not as attached to him since he lives with my mom most of the time. 

Still, I love him as my brother because it wasn't his fault that he had to live with my mom; it was the court's decision.

I was very young when my parents got divorced, but I saw my dad crying the whole night for that woman, begging her not to leave.

I saw my dad on his knees in front of my mother, pleading for her to drop those fake allegations.

It was heartbreaking to see how cruel that woman was to do this to such a sweet and caring person.

I wanted to destroy her life, wanted her to beg in front of my dad, but I couldn't. 

My dad never let any harm come to her.

He still loves her, his eyes shine every time he talks about her. 

He is still in love with the woman who gave him pain, heartbreak, and punishment for being such a sweetheart.

So that's why, except for my sister Kritika, I never trusted any woman, not even my mom.

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