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Tommy opened his eyes with a bright light. He expected to see his nice old room, but instead it was an unfamiliar place, looking like an inside of an old castle. He stood up immediatelly and found himself in a spacious bedroom with 4 big beds and a few cupboards. According to the window view, he was like in a skyscraper or something. Tommy started running around anxiously and screaming:

- Where the hell am I ?!?!

Suddenly he noticed his reflection in the mirror. However... It was not him! A black-haired boy with glasses and a scar on the forehead was starring at him from the mirror. Tommy froze. What's going on here... 

Someone entered the room. It was a boy with messy red hair, he looked irritated.

- 'Arry, where the hell are u? The class is startin' in one minute, mate, lets go! 

He grabbed "Harry" and ran with him outside. They ran to the Main Hall, where the utterly confused Tommy looked around in amazement. Everything indicated the presence of magic. He looked at the boy, who continued dragging him to the huge table. They sat down and started eating. Tommy was still confused - whats this place, why does he look like that, why this odd buddy is calling him Harry, - but he did not mind eating for free, as he was broke, spending all his money on ride potions and cocaine. 

It all started with a thunderstorm outside the castle. Then, the candles turned off, so lightnings out the windows were the onlynlight source left, everything became dark and spooky. People started to panic. But after that, a figure appeared in the middle of the hall. In the black cloak, tall and somehow reminding of a snake, this person walked slowly to the table where Tommy was sitting with his new friend. The man asked in a low voice:

- Where is Aparry Pottah?

Oh no, thought Tommy.

But nobody heard the figure, because everyone was yelling and pissing themselves, running around and crawling up the walls somehow¿? The scary man frowned and repeated:

- I am asking, where is Aparry Pottah, the Boy-Who-... STOP SCREAMING YALL LITTLE PIECES OF SHIT

Finally, the hall went silent. Everyone froze. The man breathed in, breathed out and asked calmly: 


He looked around, waiting for an answer, but the only answer was someone whispering: 'Anger issues.' 

However, he then noticed a boy on the other end of the hall trying to get out. It was Tommy, or, how the man thought, Harry Freaking Potter.

Tommy quickly realized that he must be this guy called Aparry Pottah now, and decided to get away before the weird screaming intruder finds him first. He wasn't fast enough tho.... 

The man widened his eyes and then flew at the high speed to Tommy and grabbed his coat, yelling 'YOUUU AHAHJQHECWHKD'. Some students tried to stop him, others were wondering where is Dumbledore. This was true - the Headmaster Dumbledore, about whom the red-haired boy told Tommy, was absent exactly today, for some strange reason.

Anyway, two other men with similar black cloaks flew into the hall. They picked Tommy-Harry up, and all four of them dissapeared from the castle, leaving students completely shocked.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30 ⏰

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