Chapter 2: I Shall Return

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Tankers recieved the letters from French and British schools. Evgeniy was in Mikhail's office after Sergey called him to help him decode the message from Commonwealth.

Sergey was translating the poem, as he speaks fluent French. Mikhail was slouching as usual in his swivel chair while watching Ruslan cleaning around the office a bit.

Ruslan: "There's papers everywhere, Sergey. I told you empty the bin one hour ago, didn't I?" he complained.

Sergey: "We can't waste time, moron. We must prepare for the battle as soon as possible."

Ruslan: "Relax, Sergey. Soyuz really helped us a lot with intelligence so it would be easy not just for Dima, but for all of us."

Sergey: "I know, but they're still outnumbering us, man. The more I think about it, the more I'm on edge of losing my mind."

Mikhail: "Don't fret over that, man. We'll figure things out. We've got Dima, y'know."

Ruslan sighed and tapped him on the shoulders before he continued cleaning. In the meantime, Evgeniy decoded the Morse code.

Evgeniy: "I'm done with the letter."

Sergey: "You wanna tell me they couldn't write a normal letter without using lines and dots?!" he growled.

Evgeniy: "Morse code is a way of coding secret messages, still in use to this day. It was widely in use in naval warfare, using radio signals and the light signals to send secret messages. Looks like Commonwealth just simply wrote it down so we can decode it." he explained.

Mikhail: "What about the poem? Does it have a meaning too?"

Evgeniy: "This one is Autumn Song, written by Paul Verlaine, a French poet. In WWII its lines were used by British SOE to send messages to the French Resistance about the forthcoming of invasion on Normandy."

Mikhail looked confused.

Mikhail: "Cool." he laughed.


At Desert Mirage HQ...

Ramses is at the meeting with his commanders from the Counterstrike Academy - Abdullah, the commander and Hussein, his vice.

They are talking about the letters while enjoying the traditional Arabic shay.

Ramses: "A poem?"

Abdullah: "Bradley told me that some bunch of Russian guys will face North Alliance and looks like they need some help. Looks like British and French worked with Americans to bring teams to help them, I think."

Hussein: "Most likely. If we win, I'll personally send them our finest tank fuel as a way of sayin' 'thank you for this god damn good fight against these Alliance pricks', haha!"

Abdullah: "Allah, Allah! You almost spilled the shay, you dumbass!" he hit him with a spoon.

Hussein: "Ouch!"

Ramses laughed.

Ramses: "So, are you guys in?"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29 ⏰

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