Nighttime Horrors - Lloyd

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This will be a series with all the ninjas.

"Sssstop running Lloyd, we jussssst want to talk," hissed one of the snakes from behind Lloyd.

"Kai! Cole! Zane! Jay! Anyone, please help!" Lloyd screamed as tears streamed down his face.

"C'mon son, I know I raised you better than this," His father said his shadow mere inches away from Lloyd's.

"Sssstop fighting what isss desssstin to happen" another hipnobride sang from behind him.

Suddenly he tripped, he fell over a snake tail, all of his past battled enemies slowly approached him, his younger self, the serpentine, his evil father. Be fore any of the could get their hands on him he shot up.

His forehead was covered in sweat beads, tears fell down his face like a river, his hair was slightly damp, and his pjs felt hot. "Lloyd, you awake?" Jays groggy voice asked from the other side of the room.

"Uh-huh, just-just a n-nightmare," he said in between small sobs.

"C'mon come up here Love-Bug," Jay said moving over in his bunk so Lloyd could lay with him.

-*~*-A Few Hours Later | 10:34am -*~*-

"He's so cute when he sleeps," Jay said looking at Lloyd's face from his spot on his bed, the others were getting ready for brunch at a local cafe. "Yeah, he needs the sleep. He's been over working himself way too much lately, honestly I think he needs a day or two off of training," Cole said walking cleaning up the room a bit in just sweats, his hair tied up in a small bun atop his head.

A little while later Lloyd woke up to Zane bringing waffles, bacon and a small fruit salad into their bedroom for a movie and brunch. "Jay, I'm sorry for invading your bed at three in the morning. I'm glad we got to cuddle though," Lloyd said kissing the top of Jay's head while getting ready.

I know it's kinda short but I needed to update so here's what I have. If you like my style of writing go check out my other books. Thank you all so much for reading this. Love you guys lots! 🩵🫧🩵

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24 ⏰

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