Chapter 12: Secret Love Song

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November 4th 2021

A serene suburban neighborhood, bathed in the gentle morning light. Birds chirp softly as the quiet streets. The waves of the ocean can be heard from the beach.

"Ready for our morning run, Dara?" Lisa says as she starts lacing up her running shoes.

"Absolutely, Lisa! It's the perfect way to kickstart the week. Dara says coming down from the stairs.

They share a quick fist bump and set off jogging down the sidewalk, their footsteps rhythmic and determined. "Did you hear about that new trail they just opened up in the park?" Lisa says getting breathless.

"Yeah, I did! I heard it's supposed to be beautiful, winding through the forest and everything." Dara replies, not even breaking a sweat.

Lisa shakes her head, her legs giving out on her. "Maybe we should check it out after work one day this week."

"Sounds like a plan! It'll be a nice change of scenery from our usual route." They round a corner, their pace steady as they chat amiably.

"You know, I always feel so much more energized after our morning runs." Lisa says.

Dara smiles and then replies, "Same here. It's like it sets the tone for the whole day, you know?"

They approach a crosswalk and pause, waiting for the light to change.As they are waiting, Lisa glances to her right and sees a random person scrolling through Twitter. The person looks intrigued at an article published by TMZ.

Lisa's eyes widen in disbelief. "Dara, check this out."

Dara approaches closer to Lisa. "What is it?" She says.

Lisa points discreetly at the guy looking through his phone. "Over there, on that person's phone. Look at the article headline."

Dara reads out loud. "New Couple Alert! Sabrina Carpenter seen cozy with The Dream's Lisa Medina."

Lisa responds shockingly. "It's not a rumor. That's... us in the picture, Dara. From the Halloween party."

Dara tries to process the information. "Wow, I didn't expect this to come out like this."

"What do we do?" Lisa asks nervously.

"Let's not panic. We can figure out how to address it once we're back home." Dara says calmly.

The light changes, and they continue their run, the unexpected news adding an extra layer of tension to the morning air.

That afternoon, Mr. Beese calls the younger girl into his office. The atmosphere is tense as Lisa enters, noticing Sabrina already seated across from Mr. Beese's desk, her feet bouncing anxiously.

"Lisa, please take a seat." He says sternly.

"Sure, Mr. Beese." Lisa replies, approaching the chairs. She sits down, stealing a quick glance at Sabrina, who offers a sympathetic smile.

"I'm sure you're both aware of why I've called you in here today." Mr, Beese says addressing both of them.

"Yes, Mr. Beese." Sabrina says.

"I've seen the article circulating online. I want to make it clear that while I respect your personal lives, this situation presents a conflict of interest."

Lisa looks at him with a confused expression. "Conflict of interest?"

"Yes. Lisa, you're a member of The Dream, one of our most prominent music groups. And Sabrina, as a solo artist signed to our label, your careers are intertwined with the success of our company." He says firmly.

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