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“Aria that really you?” “ Yeah dad its me.” I say happy to know that my father was still  alive. I sand pushed my knife though one of the  corpses that was in the tank.

Dad had opened the ledge and looked around outside there was reall no way for us to get out of here unless someone had to help us and that wont be soon or would it?

The radio started making noise. At first i thought that it was just me hearing things but than i was dad also look towards it. “ Hey you. Dumbasses. Yeah you two in the tank. You two cosy in there?” i just stare ad the radio how is this possible for months  I have been looking for some  sort of sign  of the living and maybe a sign that mom or Carl was alive. And all i had to this whole  time was find dad.

Out side of our tank the tank was surrounded by corpses but most of them was destracted by th hores and was feeding of the horse. And now that im back i have a secret that cant get out not even my family.

Me and dad looked at the radio in shock. His voice asked again " Hey, are you alive in there?" Dad made his way to the radio quiclky but he had forgotten that we are in a tank and hid his head on the top part nd he muttered " Ow" i had a small smule on my face.

" Hello, Hello" Dad repeaded i would to because i have not seen or been in contact with anyone besides the corpses. " There you are. Yiu had me wondering." He says relieved. " Where are you?" "  Outside?" I listen to them talk.

" Can you see us now?" Dad questions. " Yeah i can see you. You two are surrounded by walkers. Thats the bad news." I shifted next to dad and took the radio  " So are you saying we have any good news?" " No" the man replied. These he knows hiw not to sugarcoat something. Dad took the radio from and say " Listen, who ever you are, i dont mind telling you but im a little censured in here." The man sign and said " Oh, man. You two should see what it looks from out here.  You'd be having a major freakout." Dad looked like he was having a argument with himslef.

" Well do you got any advise for us?" He ask. I was really hoping the would not say what i was thinking. "Yeah I'd say make a run for it." And he said it.  " So thats it ' Make a run for it' ?" Dad questions the man a little concerned. " My idea is not as dumb as it sounds. You two do have eyes out here. There is one geek still one tge tank while the others had climbed down. They had joined the feeding fenzy where the horse went down. Are you with me so far?"

Dad looked at me and i nodded and he says " So far."  " Okay, so the street on the other side of the tank is less crowded. If you two make a run for it now you two might just stand a chance. Got ammo?" Dad looked around and say " In the bag that i had dropped outside." I did not have any gun on me or any ammo. So i just shook my head at the question when dad looked at me. " And guns, can i get it?" Dad questions the man on the radio.

" Forget the bag, okay. That wont be an option. What do you have on you?" " Hang on." I look at dad and say " I have a knives and a whipe." He nodded and see what he has. From the dead body and above him was a hand grenade." My daughter has knives and I've  got a Beretta with one clip. Fifteen rounds." The man on the radio says " You have to make them count. You have to jump of the rifht side of the tank and keep going that way. There is an ally about 50 yeards, be there."

Dad just had to ask " Hey, what is your name?" I look t dad and say " We do not have time for this we have to go we can get his name when we meet him out there. Now we have to get our asses out of here dad." Dad looked at me and say ' Your language young lady and let go." Me and dad opened the hatch.

Dad got out first he had hid one of the dead with a shovel in the head. He then jumped down but missed his footing a little and fell down i was next landing next to dad and helping him. Dad was shooting corpses as they got closer to us and i was stabbing then in the head as we run to where radio guy told us.

That was until dad pointed a gun at a young Asian man and was ready to shoot when he says " Dont shoot! Dont shoot! Not dead." He quickly said and followed with " Come this way." We then went up a fire escape of one of the buildings in Atlanta. We climb about half way up and stopped for breath.

Dad says " Rick, Thank you." " Glenn, your welcome." They smile and then turn to me. " Oh im suppose to introduce myself. Well Sergeant Aria Grimes at your service." I say while i salute to them. Dad taught it was funny while Glenn looked at me in confusion and shock.

" Mister Asian can we get out of here i really don't want to be dinner to corpses." He nodded and then we climbed up on to a roof and then down a hole on the roof. Dad had asked Glenn why he decided to save us and he replied with that he was a glass half full kinda guy and than when something like that happens to him someone would stick there nec out for him.

I had to say for a kid that looked this young he had a lot of courage. And we made our way to a convenience store. Glenn had radioed someone of his group he was with to come and clean the ally that had two corpses in.

When me and dad got in to the store dad was held by gunpoint by some barbie wanna be. I step infront of her with my knife to her throat and say " One more step and your dead. Dont test me not lower your gun and step away from my dad." I said dangerous calm and low. She had flinched and backed away and then she said " We are dead because of these idots. Oh man." That woman is working on my nerves. It looked like she was about to cry.

Dad looked confused and asked " What do you mean?" So dad doesn't know much about our world now. " The sound of the gun you fired dad had attracted them hear. So now we are surrounded." They were about to argue further but then we heard gunshots from the roof.

Well there is another idiot.

Well there is another idiot

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The Experiment - Daryl DixonWhere stories live. Discover now