31. Lost Memories

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Due to the death of the demonic beast, the poisonous polluted water spread by it also becomes sacred due to which all the cursed people are saved from the epidemic.

Rich Merchant's wife also gets cured and then he remembers that a white clothed cultivator had saved their lives, so he goes with the villagers to investigate the lake of Mount Muxi lake.

Lan Wangji suddenly hits a rock badly and he too falls into the water of the lake and flows out and reaches a shore of Mount Muxi.

When Rich Merchant saw Lan Wangji unconscious and covered in blood, he immediately picked up the white clothed cultivator with the help of the villagers and brought Lan Wangji to his home for treatment.

Due to the Black Lotus curse and severe head injury of Lan Wangji's body gets seriously wounded and alpha becomes unconscious due to weakness in his body.

Lan Wangji had fought a fierce battle with that demonic beast for about 16 days without eating or drinking anything.

Only on the basis of herbs and Black Lotus curse Lan Wangji had faced a fierce demonic beast, due to which now the powers of his alpha body are greatly reduced.

Rich Merchant called a local family healer to take care of Lan Wangji, who treated alpha to stop the bleeding from his head.

The Healer told the rich merchant that he would have to take good care of the cultivator because alpha's internal powers are very weak and for some reason his body is very weak too.

Zǔzhōu Jiěchú's sword slices through Lan Wangji's heart, destroying all the negative energy he holds, resulting in alpha forgetting many of his bad memories related to the Black Lotus curse.

Lan Wangji remains unconscious at Rich merchant's house for about two and a half months and then when he regains consciousness, the white clothed cultivator forgets everything about his old life.

Due to a severe head injury, Lan Wangji forgets his old memories for some time and even alpha does not remember his own identity or name.

Due to a severe head injury, Lan Wangji forgets his old memories for some time and even alpha does not remember his own identity or name

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**Lan Wangji as Baili Hongyi**

Rich Merchant has given a new name Baili Hongyi to Lan Wangji for the time being so that he can recollect his old memories by staying at this place for some time.

15 days later, Rich Merchant has given Baili Hongyi to handle the work under him and now Lan Wangji has to monitor the earnings of that merchant's business because alpha's mind is sharper than the rest people.

Whenever the rich merchant goes to another city for his business, he leaves Baili Hongyi with the responsibility of handling all his business.

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