5 - Trees

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Imperial Prison, Noveria kingdom.

The sound of shouts and cries echoing throughout the prison island that's off the mainland, Imperial guards are doing their rounds as usual to check their inmates cell.


A man shouted hysterically across the prison, banging loudly against the bars as it echoed violently while other prisoners shouted and yelled from their cells demanding also to leave or cursing other prisoners. An door opened to reveal a priest wearing a rugged and hooded robes, the hooded figure was covering its face with pitch darkness that couldn't see and has a necklace of a holy cross around the priest's neck, walking with the Imperial guard within the catwalk as they pass through each of the cells.

"Your prisoner should be here priest, maybe your prayers could help this madman or else we will put him in solitary like the rest of the crazies, they're more suitable to handle this." The imperial officer spoke sternly, walking with the hooded priest through the catwalk while the shouting echoed throughout the prison from the angry and pleading prisoners.

"Solitary confinement does nothing but allow the mind to grow more and more unstable, most here need rehabilitation. Not torture, Officer...it goes against the very thing a prison is meant for." The woman said, he voice was smooth as silk yet as impactful as a wave breaking against its accompanying shoreline while she walked in a confident and prideful as a warrior with her arms calmly intertwined in front of her chest.
The hooded woman paid no mind to the shouting prisoners and their attempts to seduce her by cat calling or shouting obscene words her way, all attempts simply bounced off her like a stone wall being hit by a ball..
"My fellow priests mind is not broken, it simply needs...clarity. He is as innocent as any other man or woman, now please...show me to him."

"Whatever you say priest, your insight about your prisoner is up to you, he kept blabbering about some monster killed his cavaran, a lunatic he is." He said with a gruff, walking with the hooded woman till they stopped their tracks, he faces the door till he grabs his keys to open the door, opening the door for the woman. "You get a few minutes with him, then ask for imperial defender to release him." He said boredly, standing with the priest.

The monk can be seen laying on the ground, scribbling and scratching the stone floors by himself, and a caged window on the wall where the sun beams is shining through the bars.

"I thank you for your hospitality, officer. I will call you when we are ready.." Was all the woman said before she turned to face the Monk.
"Zariel." Unbeknownst to the Guard-a set of gleaming golden eyes were now visible for the monk to see. It was as if this woman was signaling to the monk that he was now safe-from these guards and the monsters he had seen..
"You are safe now, tell me exactly what happened..." She then came to add as she took a few steps further into the room and placed a hand both cautiously and calmly upon the monks frail shoulder.

Zariel almost jumped when he felt her hand on his shoulder, he slightly looks up to the priest with a weak eyes, but blocks the sun with his hand to get a clear view of the priest. "Who are-" He paused when he looks through the hooded priest, and sees through her real identity, an full plated armored celestial being with six glowing wings. His eyes widened in realization. "L-Lady Seraphina... the Blade of God." He quickly got up and bowed to the angelic figure. "Oh forgive me lady Seraphina of the Heavens, i-i failed you." He weeped loudly after his statement, trying to hold back his tears, his eyes was red and puffed, he raises his head up to the priest.

For a mere moment, the true form of the woman would flash around the entire cell. Her white armor was surrounded in a golden and white aura, a translucent halo floated a few inches above her helmet covered head. Seraphina was dawned in a set of elegant silver and gold armor that fit perfectly around her hourglass frame. Her six wings however, danced idly with a mind of her own behind her back. All was visible until she returned back to a ragged cloak covered human form..
"You did not fail me, Zariel. You needn't my forgiveness, child..nor your honor in bowing in my presence." Seraphina came to say in a calm voice, due to her limited time in the mortal realm she was still learning the meaning of sympathy-of care..
"You have still done your part in finding knowledge. Tell me, what did you see..what have you learned of Demacula?"

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