Chapter Three

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The king summoned the sisters back to the table so suitable matches could offer themselves as choices for his daughters. Atyla could hear the throng outside the palace rioting and revolting. The two sisters returned to their places and remained standing as the royal family rose. The three princesses were standing together now, on Atalus's left hand side, and their brother to the right of the queen.

"Allow me to explain this process before we begin," spoke the king in a loud voice. "Step forth and offer your resources to aid in this Conquest of the High Hills. If your offering is sufficient, you may be permitted to marry one of my daughters. Should your desired princess wish not to marry, she may contest the bride price, at which point you must increase your offering, or she will be given to the man with the second largest bride price."

An older man was the first to approach with a chest being carried by two servants. He was withered by age, his right leg dragging behind him as he lurched to a halt in the middle of the room. Trying to balance himself, the man cleared his throat and gestured to his servants. The chest was laid before the table and the latches clinked open. Inside were laid different shades of red, blue, and purple crystals, all emitting light from within.

"Your Majesty," said he in a dry and cracking voice, "I offer you these black crystals from my island mines. As you know, black crystals are very powerful magical elements. Used for anything from spells, to creating magical doorways. Some have even found ways to become immortal with––"

"Thank you, I am aware of the extensive list of things that can be done with them, Lord Fainsyr." Atalus said, almost dismissively. "This is an acceptable offering. Which of my daughters would you offer these crystals for?"

"Veina. For my nephew, Your Majesty." Fainsyr answered. His eyes wandered over to her, but he was still speaking to the king. "I call on you, Lord King, to fulfill your promise to my house. As one child was taken, one shall be given in return. My brother and son died during the first year of the Conquest for the High Hills seventeen years ago. This conflict and oath have stood unsatisfied long enough!"

"Old fool! She's not property to be traded, she's a Lady to be loved and respected! I will offer twice as much black crystal for her hand!" a voice hailed from across the hall. A slightly younger man, Atlas Jor, to whom the voice belonged, centered the room.

"My island has the largest mines for steel and black crystal, Your Majesty! I wish for Visna's hand in marriage in exchange for all the resources they may provide!" said Vern N'Tikr, Serena's older brother.

Visna was flattered, though it was not his attention she craved. Tyrus Torvik was still debating among his delegates about an agreeable offering.

"I put forth my daughter for Prince Atius's match, Your Majesty," declared a woman from the back of the hall. She came forward with her firstborn, Rayela Sunlance, who was a girl only two years older than Atyla, and lived a life confined to the massive Sunlance Castle. Much like Atyla, Rayela shared the dark, smooth skin and deep brown eyes of their Giant ancestors. The young princess considered her a close friend, but it was common knowledge around court that Rayela took no interest in men, and for that reason, Lady Sunlance hadn't been to the palace in almost a year. Atalus was worried Rayela's influence on Atyla was far too strong.

More than that, Rayela was widely considered deranged. She believed she held powers that no one else could fathom, but she had yet to prove any of her claims to be true.

"Ah, yes." Atalus sat upright in his seat. "Rayela Sunlance. What is your offering in return, Lady Yenna?"

"My seat," the woman said quickly. The entire hall took a collective gasp, followed only by voiceless anticipation. Yenna spoke further. "We all know that my land is most coveted by the lords and ladies of Yeluacam––even by the king himself. The Territory of the Black Crown is massive, and its castle is the most fortified, even more fortified than this capital fortress. I seek to unite our houses, Your Majesty, once and for all."

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