Chapter Five

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Lan remained on the beach long after the Thaesian Fortress, along with its accompanying ships, had disappeared into the morning fog of the ocean, and long after the sun had brightened into noontime, and sank into dusk. He remained after the sunlight had dwindled into deep crimson behind him, until the world was embraced in night's shadow. He sat there on his knees, cursing the king. The bitterness in his heart against the king deepened with every mile Atyla was carried away. Lan didn't even realize how his fingers played nervously in the sand around him until he found his fists had closed in a handful of the grains.

A detachment of guards marched toward Lan on the beach. No more than a dozen. They stopped right behind him, but he kept his eyes on the ocean.

"His Royal Majesty summons you to his chambers," a soldier said.

"Of course..." Lan let out under his breath, keeping his eyes on the water. It was foolish, but he tried to tell himself Atyla would return. She was too stubborn to simply stay on Thaesos. She would come back to Yeluacam. To Lan. "Very well..." he rose from his knees and dusted the sand away, "take me to him."

For Lan, it was the first time he'd ever been summoned to the King's Chambers. While it would only be a good thing to be called to such an intimate part of the palace, recent events involving his father had Lan questioning the nature of the summons, and worried for his life. Still, he continued up the beach and into the city, the detachment marched closely behind him.

He paused at the door, unsure of what he'd face on the other side. Sår iim solus, Lan murmured under his breath. A prayer for his soul his mother taught him as a young child when he was taken to live with his father. He pushed lightly on the doors, and they groaned open, the hinges complaining as they moved. Atalus was sitting in the common area of the chambers, reading over the agreement he had signed, detailing Atyla and Veina's marriage contracts, and the bride price of the Thaesian Navy and Spellcaster's Brigade. Atalus motioned to Lan to join him in the seat across from him.

"Come, Valtriik, there is a matter we must discuss," said the king.

The lump in Lan's throat felt like it had grown thrice as large, and it was impossible to swallow the nervous saliva under his tongue. Still, he mustered what little bravery he had and warily crossed the threshold of the entryway and continued into the common area to join Atalus. Even for how expansive the room was, Lan felt claustrophobic. They might as well have been talking in a prison cell.

"Care for a drink?" asked the king.

Lan shook his head as much as the stiffness of his neck would allow. His stomach felt like it was boiling over the heat of his hatred for the king, and twisting in knots about whatever the king wished to speak about.And there was still Lan's anguish over Atyla being sent away.

"Very well then," said Atalus, "the matter I wish to discuss with you..." he gulped before he dared to speak further, "is of your reinstatement."

"Reinstatement?" Lan leaned forward.

"Yes. I am willing to restore your family's name and fortune, and return your southern castle, Ravenbridge, to you. Under one condition, that is," said the king. He closed the book and tossed it over to the opposite side of his chair.

"If it pleases Your Majesty, I will do anything to regain your favor," said Lan, who saw this as an opportunity to win Atyla from Tyrus.

"Good!" Atalus closed his hands together in a loud clap. For a moment, it looked like he was going to say more, but the king fell silent, taking in more rum.

"What is it, may I ask, that I could do to be worthy of reinstatement?" Lan wondered aloud.

"My heir, Atius, has chosen to marry Lady Vana of House Hawkheart, a good woman. Decent bloodline, however adjacent from the true Line of Ram. Veina and Atyla will marry into and maintain the alliance on Thaesos with houses Torvik and Sultin, the most influential houses across the ocean. I need to join our houses with a marriage to my eldest daughter, Visna." the king announced, though it came as more of a command than it did a question of consent. The right side of his lip twitched up and down as he tried to smile.

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