Part 26: River

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Sunstone Mountain was massive. Its size was well masked by the thick clouds of ash and smoke that shrouded it, blocking out the sun as they drew near. Thankfully, they didn't need to go far to find a solid Sunstone.

The return trek across the Valley was quiet and uneventful. Angeline's eyes and throat burned from the air on the mountain, even after they'd left. The afternoon heat did her no favors. Her legs and feet were aching halfway through the desert, and the decision to skip breakfast to follow him left her feeling ravenous and nauseated with hunger.

By the time they reached the top of the cliff trail, she was starting to regret tagging along.

"There's something I wanted you to see," said Shay. "Something I hope might make today worth the discomfort."

"What?" she asked wearily.

"Have a look," he answered, gesturing behind her.

She turned slowly to face the Valley. The sun was setting toward the left, and its rays lit the distant sand below with blue and silver hues. The rocks and canyons shone like diamonds, sparkling across the desert as the light slowly faded. "It's beautiful," she said softly.

"I thought you might like it."

She stood at the cliff's edge, taking in the dazzling sight as her eyes teared up. "Benji would've loved this place."

He moved beside her and put his arm around her back, squeezing her shoulder affectionately. "I'm sorry."

She quickly wiped a tear from her cheek and turned away. "We should get back."

He whistled for Kyte. The large bird glided down a moment later, landing several feet away with a chirp. "Hello, love," he said, walking toward her with a grin.

She ruffled her wings and moved backward.

"It's not that bad, is it?" he took another step and she squawked at him, spreading her wings in a threatening fashion. "Kyte!" he protested. "That's rude."

She screeched and flapped into the air, circling them twice before landing a ways away.

"What was that about?" asked Angeline.

"She's quite upset. Said you smell like a Kespan hogwyrm," he replied with a hint of a teasing grin.

Angeline crossed her arms. "No, she didn't."

"No, but she does think we smell like her only predator on this planet. Come on, we've got to rinse this smelly grime away if we want a ride back. There's a river near here."

She trudged behind him along the flat, rocky terrain until they reached a small river, several feet across but not very deep. The water was crystal clear and flowed quietly through the smooth rocks.

Shay pulled his shirt over his head and waded waist deep into the center as Angeline stared. He was well built, muscular with a slender frame. On each of his arms was a scarlet colored tattoo in a pattern of angled and perpendicular lines that made a ring around his toned biceps. Between his shoulder blades was another tattoo of a small circular spiral with seven triangles around it, somewhat resembling a sun. A large blue and green bruise was forming over his ribs.

He dunked his shirt in the water, wringing and rinsing it several times before he tossed it onto the bank. His eyes caught hers and he smiled slightly as she looked away. "You're free to wash up; I won't look. I am going to take off my pants now, so it would probably be best if you face the other way."

She turned her back to him with a blush and slowly waded downstream into the brisk water, fully clothed. The current was present, but not strong. In the center, the water rose almost to her chest. She tugged at her shirt and rubbed it a bit as she attempted to wash it without undressing.

There was the sound of clothes landing against the ground from behind her, followed by a splash. It took all her self-control not to immediately look over her shoulder. The curiosity was crushing, urging her for just a peek. Against her better judgment, she glanced back to see him rise from under the surface, throwing his head back with a deep breath and running his hands through his hair.

His skin glistened from the water dripping down over his back and arms. He took a step toward the bank and her gaze caught on the dip where his leg began.

He stopped short and put his hands on his hips. "I can feel you staring," he said.

She faced ahead in alarm and quickly ducked under the surface, holding her breath as long as she could before she emerged.

"I don't mind," he continued. "It's just— after what you told me earlier, I thought it would be rude not to warn you."

She took a deep breath and ducked under the water again, scrubbing at her face and hair with her hands as she sat on her knees. Her cloth shirt still felt slimy to touch. She made a face and removed it, rubbing it together in attempt to wash the grimy spit away.

She resurfaced for another breath, then ducked back down to pull off her pants as well.

From the corner of her eye, she saw a large shadow move above the surface. She flinched back from it, only to realize from the shapes and colors that it was Kyte. Her clothes slipped from her fingers and she turned with horror to watch them float quickly down the stream.

She poked her head above the water, covering her chest with her arms. "Shit."

"What's wrong?" Shay asked.

"I, um— I just dropped my clothes," she said, facing him with a wince.

He chuckled, clad in his pants and still facing away from her. "Here, you can wear this," he said, holding his red shirt out to the side. "I won't look."

"Thank you," she muttered, cautiously approaching him. She took it from his hand and quickly pulled it over her head. Even damp, the material was as soft as silk. It fell to her thighs, and the loose sleeves hung over her hands.

"All good?" he asked.


He turned, and his eyes moved down over her.

"What?" she asked with a frown.

"Red looks good on you," he said with a slight smile. He straightened out his cloak like a blanket and threw it over Kyte's back, then climbed up with a wince and offered her his hand. "Hand me the Sunstone," he said.

She picked it up and offered it to him, and he tucked it under his right arm before offering his hand again. He gave a grunt of pain as he helped her on behind him.

"Mind holding this?" he asked, giving her the Sunstone.

It was too heavy to hold under her arm like he had. She held it to her chest and leaned against his back, holding onto him with her right arm. His skin was warm and soft, and the feel of his toned abs made her heart flutter. Up close, she realized the sun-like tattoo on his back was faintly glowing.

Kyte screeched as she launched off the ground, carrying them up into the sky. The sun had nearly set over the horizon, and the sky was a brilliant array of blue and green and purple. They dipped suddenly and Angeline gasped as the Sunstone slipped to the side.

"Shit!" she lurched to grab it, immediately regretting the decision. Its weight pulled her further off balance and in the span of a second, she was free falling.

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