Prologue: The end of Vanoss

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"Well...this is it huh? This is how I die?" A man was sitting on the floor with his back against the wall. He look around and all he could see was...


Fire was everywhere, furnitures and gadgets were destroyed, support beams fell down. The same could be said for the man. His clothes were destroyed, his sunglasses were broken beside him and he was injured.

"Atleast...I save the world..." The man said as he let out some tears fall out.

The man was Evan Fong aka Vanoss, the leader of the Banana Bus Squad. He and his squad were on a mission to stop a madman from destroying the world with a device.

The reason? Because he hates the world. Anyway the mission was dangerous then Bbs had thought and most of them were injured and tired but luckily after a while they finally killed him and destroyed the device. But just as they left building one of them named Terroriser found something horrifying in his scanners.

There was another device and it had a limited time to activate. It was clear that the madman built it and set it on a timer incase he die. Bbs were panicking and they went in to stop it but some of the debris block the entrance. Bbs were now horrified but they notice that someone made it in.

It was their leader...Vanoss.

Vanoss reassured them that once he deactivate the device he'll escape the place. Bbs were obviously worried and hesitant but they knew that the device needs to stop. Terroriser gave Vanoss instructions on how to deactivated it. Once he's was giving instructions, Vanoss didn't hesitate to run around the building to find it.

He managed find it in the room and started to deactivated at the last second. He breath out in relief and was about to leave but there was an explosion that knocked him down.

When Vanoss got his sense back he found out that he was still in the room and a huge debris block the exit. He desperately try to find another way out but to his horror...there was none and building is about to fall apart. He remembers that there was a bunce of fuel tanks underground and around the building and it won't be long for them to explode.

"Heh...that motherfucker build and a second one...I'll give him that." Vanoss chuckle dryly before coughing from the smoke. "Man...I didn't think this would happened."

Vanoss pull something out from his clothes and looks at it. It was a picture of him and his squad. It was the first ever mission together and the first time they met. They were ups and downs but they had strong that everyone could say it was family.

"Sorry boys...I know that I will get fuck out of here once I deactivated but...seems fate had given us a "fuck you."" More tears fell out of his eyes as he clung the picture close to his heart.

"We won't able to see each other get married, have kids of our own..." Vanoss sobbed quietly. "I...I want to tell you all...that you guys are better family then my old ones..." Vanoss spat out of venom in his tone on the last part.

Vanoss wipes his tears away lean back to the wall and smile dryly as he gave out his final words.

" matter what happened...have each other's back and know our mottos... "We either die trying or die giving up. And we chose the former." Man thinking now that was cringey as fuck." Tears fell out again from his eyes.

"Goodbye everyone...hope we'll see each other again...and also..." Vanoss smirk deviously.


And then all he could remember was a sound of explosion and everything went dark.



Vanoss reincarnation as Makoto Neagi.Where stories live. Discover now