Chapter 10

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After the hug, nothing was the same as before.

It came as a surprise, one that I never thought I needed and her soothing warmth melted something within me, as I found myself wanting to believe that what was brewing between us was a real thing; it felt genuine.

Our relationship seemed to grow even better too and Iris stopped flinching by the second week of us spending the time together at the gym. It was as if the universe realized a rusty guy wanted a relationship and was paving the way for me and Iris's relationship to work out.

Mary was of utmost help in my quest, as she offered me the best route out of it on the first day we attended gym together. I had just stopped talking to the gym instructor about our package, and she happened to listen in on the conversation before trudging over and nudging me in the gut.

"So, you guys are a couple now huh?" She teased.

I tilted my head to the side and stared at her quizzically. "Not yet," I smiled, "but technically we are a couple".

A taunting laugh escaped from Mary and she punched me on my arm. " Stop being delulu Lucas, you guys are just co-workers, nothing else".

It sounded as if she was fishing for something by saying that, but one fact stood out in her statement. She was telling the truth, we were nothing more or less than workmates, but I didn't want to acknowledge it.

I like Iris and I mean it.

"Well I do like her," I mumbled sheepishly and Mary stopped snickering.

"Wait, you really are serious?" She asked dumb folded.

"I've never not been serious," I challenged feeling offended somehow.

After an intense glare from Mary that screamed I am suspicious of you, she finally sighed and started brushing her imaginary beard.

"You know, Jerald told me all about it but I didn't believe him, only now I feel stupid for having not realized this earlier. I mean, when Mom and Dad thought you guys were a couple, you didn't stop the assumptions, and knowing you, they could have stopped assuming after one word from you. Secondly, you bought her coffee masking the gesture with a fake apology, although she thought it was decent. Lastly.." she visibly cringed, " you just told me you like her".

A fake gag came from Mary and Iris noticed it before shaking her head and looking away.

" Knowing you I'd say you do like her, but I feel like I must say this for both our sakes".

The air around us seemed to turn gloomy all of a sudden, and Mary's expression turned serious. This is what had made my interest in Iris quip - everyone seemed protective around her but no one seemed to have a proper reason as to why they did it.

Mary breathed before glaring at me. "She is my friend, and if you do anything to her in the future, I'll choose her over you. Always".

It should have hurt to hear those words escape someone who felt like a sister to me, but it didn't. Instead, I felt at ease knowing she was telling the truth which spared me needless guessing about what she thought of me. It was the main reason why I loved the Adams family, they never sugar-coated anything - even the bad news.

" That's said, I'll still help you," she added turning her face away from Iris. " I don't like the gym and we both know it, so you'll have to tell Iris I was called at the company or we'll make up excuses just to get the two of you alone. That way, you might have enough alone time with her to be able to know her enough and see if you want to go ahead with this," she said cunningly and immediately left before I could respond.

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