Chapter 17: Iris

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I never thought in my entire lifetime that I would actually knock on the door that led to my room, but here I was with a tray full of breakfast and juice, knocking on the door.

"Come in" came Lucas's hoarse voice that was full of pain.

Lucas winced as the sun hit his face, so I balanced the tray in one hand and closed the curtains for him.

"Thanks," he said rubbing his eyes. The bandage Grandma had put on him was wrapped around his entire head as if he had come from surgery. It was dramatic, but that is just how she is, an overreacting woman. I couldn't believe it took me twenty-two years and someone I like getting hurt to be able to see how dramatic she was when helping people.

"How are you feeling," I asked him as I placed the tray in his lap. "For you".

"I think I'm fine," he replied, " where am I?"

It was a rather stupid question, because where else would I bring him food in a tray whilst wearing pajamas and a bonnet except for my house?

"You're at my house. Last night my mom hit you with a flower pot, and took the hit. This is why I don't want to have you near me, it's risky, "I said fidgeting with my hands, a behavior that helped calm me down but somehow was failing me at that moment.

Lucas shifted in the bed till he was upright. "Iris I jumped in to protect what I love," he said wincing and groaning at the same time.

I helped him up. " Please dont-"

"Don't what?" He asked.

I couldn't answer his question. What was I trying to stop him from doing, confessing his love?

" I'm not demanding you to like me back, I'm just making sure you know that me getting hurt wasn't your fault, that I did it on my own will. I like you".

I wanted to tell him to stop but I knew he would ask me another question that would leave me in a dead end, and I didn't want to waver, he was getting a rather good grip on me. I didn't even flinch when he told me he liked me this time, instead, I kind of wanted him to say it maybe because the last time we saw each other almost seemed like the last day he would say it.

"You said I need to wait, and that's exactly what I'm doing, I'll wait for you. However, you can't stop me from loving you, I'm going to love you as much as I want and stay by you, and I'll help you understand how much love I have because I found a selfish way to do so," he clasped my hands, "I'm going to love you in my way until you finally make a decision".

Lucas held my hand a bit too tightly as he said his last words, his green spell-casting eyes hexing me and leaving the now memorable desert effect in my throat. I swallowed. He meant business. I should have pushed him away but I didn't, he made me feel exactly what I had pushed away a long time ago. Hope.

"Thank you for saving me," I said shamelessly. "Luckily, you didn't bleed to death or I'd have killed myself. Now please stuff yourself or do you want me to do it".

" That won't be a bad idea, after all, I'm still sick, " he replied.

I grabbed the fork and pierced a kidney, "here, " I mumbled, feeling shy all of a sudden, but Lucas took the bite and locked his mouth.

"Who cooked this?" He mumbled chewing the offal.

"I did," I replied.

"Wouldn't mind having a wife like you". Another banger, my chest almost cracked open from the heartbeats.

"I want another one," Lucas said.

I took the eggs and stuffed them in his mouth, and he repeated the statement. I tried to avoid reality, but it faced me straight in the face. Lucas chewing the food I had just fed him gave me satisfaction that couldn't be compared to anything, not even when I fed my grandparents or gave them hugs.

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