Chapter 19: Iris

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A brisk wind that washes away yesterday's sorrow, a little bit of sun to kiss my skin and bring a symphony of a new dawn in my life, the birds singing in pure Ecstasy as the trees dance to the wind direction carefree of wherever it takes them.

It was a pure morning to enjoy, but I couldn't. My body was throbbing where I had been hit. I had a bump on my shoulder, and when I checked myself in the mirror, I saw the red mark that had been left by Lynn. A contrast reminder that I had to meet with her for work that morning.

I heaved a huge sigh and took a deep breath before I went inside my house, dreading to meet my Grandparents in fear they might ask a lot of questions. Luckily, they had not yet woken up, but Abigail was in the kitchen and the moment her eyes laid on me she went berserk.

"What happened?". She left the pan on the sink and rushed to me touching my face.

"I fell" I lied.

Abigail stared at me with curiosity for a few very uncomfortable minutes where I thought she was mind-reading me. She then pulled me by the hand and led me to the kitchen counter.

"Sit down and eat I'll get a first aid kit," she said, as she poured some cereal into a bowl and handed me a plate with waffles, the syrup in a jar beside them.

"No need, they got treated last night," I said. She stopped and sat on her chair, looking at me, a worried expression on her face. I was lucky my face didn't swell, or else I would have skipped going to work that day.

"Who treated them?" She asked out of the blue. I stopped bringing the fork to my lips mid-track and smiled like a fool.

"Lucas". I blushed.

"I told you you'll get it, congratulations," she said. "I'll cook you your favorite samosas tonight"

" How did you know?"I asked. I hadn't even told her and she was congratulating me.

" Woman's intuition".

" Ahh. Well I'd better get ready for work, and please don't tell them about the scar". I said gesturing at my grandparent's bedroom.

" Your secret is safe with me," Abigail whispered.

" Thank you," I whispered back.

For the first time since makeup happened to me, I put layers of it, even the eye shadow. It worked its magic and covered my entire wounds, leaving no mark behind. For Mary, it did the same except she flinched whilst applying her layers.

Mary and I were the first to arrive in the department, another first for that day. We usually came in after Lucas, but it seemed we overtook him that day.

The first thing I did when I sat at my desk was send the revised article to Lynn for review. I had completed it a week ago and had been dying to send it to her. Now I had nothing I owed her.

After that, we had nothing else to do, so the company wifi came into play as I streamed videos on Netflix. It was a perk that made going to work even on days where it felt sickening, more bearable - because I could ignore any inconveniences, like Lynn walking in right as I was about to watch the second episode of Castlevania.

I thought she would come back for me, but she never did. Clara followed her steps and just went into her desk without greeting either Mary or me, not that I needed it. Last night had been the limit and they had crossed it. I had fancied the idea of apologizing to them the night before, and I almost got up to bake cupcakes for them, but I ended up sleeping because the new me felt like it wasn't my fault.

Lucas came in fifth, and as he walked towards his office he waved at Mary. He was right by the corner, just about to turn when he suddenly looked around and turned towards our desks, well, my desk to be precise. He bent over and gave me a light forehead kiss and before I could even react, he turned to leave. Mary's saucer-shaped eyes said it all, she was curious beyond her radar's limit.

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