Chapter 24: Iris

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The pub was full of grown old men with young girls either sitting on their laps or with their boyfriends or friends. Some of them even looked like they were in high school.

It amazed me what people could do for money, not that I was to judge, however, I couldn't imagine myself under one of the old men. Some of them looked like they could die on top of you in the heat of the moment. To think they were the most perverted of all the men in the pub, grabbing the young girls so who could potentially be their granddaughters.

The was loud music playing in the background, accompanied by the voices of people conversing amongst themselves. Smoke from vapes filled the pub, as I saw the young people exchanging the pipes amongst themselves whilst drinking booze or wine. I could smell a faint hint of cigarettes from the corner to our right, which only waffled at irregular moments. It was a whole new world, one that I knew nothing about and was sure I would never want to experience again.

What was the CEO doing at such a place like this?

The sofa I was sitting on shuffled and I shifted my gaze to look further away from them. I had my doubts the day I saw them in the office, but this? Lynn was on top of the CEO, kissing him without feeling any sense of embarrassment whatsoever. Knowing he was Lucas's dad made everything even worse.

He had told me in the car. He had interrogated me so hard, it felt like getting a loan instead of asking him wasn't a bad idea after all.

"So you have finally agreed," he had said after inviting me into the car.

" oh no, I don't want to date you".

"Then why are you here?" he asked.

" My grandmother is in hospital undergoing surgery as we speak".

"And you need funds?"

So I told him, about my mother about my grandmother fainting, and about the surgeries. He had listened intently, in silence not even cutting me in between. Something about him resembled Lucas, a lot. Even his way of cocking his head to the side when I took a breath after almost rapping the whole story. I left nothing behind, hoping in all honesty that he would sympathize with me and lend me some money.

"I understand" he finally said, making my heart feel at ease.

"But?" I asked. I could feel it hanging, the but-.

"But nothing is for free".

I eyed the old man intently and his gaze was unwavering. He wanted to have his way with me.

"Oh, if that's the case, I'll go find another way to get the money".

"Are you sure?" he said not looking away.

It was like he was searching for something. Only I couldn't give him what he wanted, and if he thought he was getting it he was solely mistaken. He should have taken hints when he had suggested we talk in the car and I in turn suggested we leave the door open. I wasn't taking any chances, even with my dress code. I had dressed to impress, only it was elegant style, making it look like a business meeting instead of me begging for money.

" Where will you find someone ready to lend you that much money in such a short period?"

"I'll see what I can do, I'll ask my friends or even my boyfriend if the situation gets worse. Overall I think I'll make it, but I would never use my body, or break his trust. He's already damaged by his dad. I can't make him worse".

I wasn't even sure if I was going to be successful in getting the money, but there was no way in hell I was to lose my virginity to a man the same age as my dad, not that I knew how old he was.

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