Chapter 29: Lucas

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She had a T-shirt on, no sleeves. It made me scared to approach her, made her feel different somehow as if she wasn't giving a care in the world to anything now, even her scar she had tried to cover all the time I had known her.

At least the talk went well, smooth even. I thought I was going to get slapped or tortured in some way, but she had taken it in and forgiven me a bit too easily, not that I was complaining. Her easygoing attitude had been a bit scary since I thought it would lead to problems, but now I was thankful for it.

It made me think that Iris and I were a bit alike in a sense. Neither of us knew what we needed or how to fill that empty void inside our hearts. I craved the attention of others but never let them know the real me, I pushed them away; as a way of concealing my desires, I focused on work and blamed my childishness on my father.

It was only the ones who knew me that showered me with the love I wished for, Jerald in particular. That's how a coward like me went about with my life. Iris in particular was a different case. I thought I was drawn to her because of her laid-back attitude, but it was probably because I wanted to hang on to the bit of warmth that would protrude from her. Since she didn't seem to like people, I thought having her to myself would make me the only receiver of her affection.

Little did I know I had miscalculated.

"I've got you now," Mary said out loud enough for me to hear.

"Yeah," I mumbled without looking at her.

"Ugh come on, at least show me some attitude so that I can slap you in peace".

I turned my head and looked at her, smiling. " If it'll make you feel better, slap me".

Mary's eyes softened as she sat next to me. " Now I feel guilty. Are you okay? Why did you leave at the door?" She asked.

"I had a feeling they needed privacy. But yeah, I am okay".

"Good. Now let's go and see your girlfriend, they are done".

She had just finished speaking when Iris came and sat next to me, a sad expression on her face. It took nowise man to guess they had a very important conversation in there, I thanked my sense of reason for gracing me with future sight before making a fool of myself.

"Are you okay," I asked and wrapped my hand around her shoulder.

Iris did not swat me away, and I took that as a good sign before pulling her head to my shoulder. She let me have my way, till her head was entirely rested on my arm.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Are you?"


The silence stretched as we sat outside, all three of us, no one talking about anything. To each their thoughts. It had been a rough night, one that I particularly was fond of repeating anywhere soon. I had almost lost the best thing that had happened to me after suffering for so many years without noticing.

Iris's hair hit my face as the wind carried it all over my face. Amy other day I would have brushed it away, but the thought of knowing I could have lost her made me welcome the bloody little whips. It smelled of citrus fruits as if it were a blend.

Iris sighed. "I wish we could stay like this for some time longer," she mumbled.

"That's because you're feeling warm wrapped around like a burrito in his arms you... I actually want to go inside," Mary protested.

I was about to reply to her, but Iris beat me to it. "Then go," she said, "you're hogging enough personal space as it is".

Mary gaped. "I never thought I would say this to you of all people, but you're a savage bitc-"

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