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With the crescent moon glowing down on the strangely silent French quarter Ophelia Beaumont was happy to be back in the city she called home once again. Happy to be back from France, back to the peace that New Orleans, the city of jazz, brought her.

Pulling her suitcase behind her she walked into to the compound she called home. "Honey I'm home," she jokingly called out to the man she was able to call one of her few friends, Marcel Gerard.

"Hey Effie," he greeted pulling her into a hug, glad to have his friend back. "It has been hell without you."

"I'm sure it has been, how could you ever survive without me." She teased with a grin before morphing into a serious face as they moved to sit on one of the outdoor couches in the centre of the compound. "Now, tell me what has been troubling you so much that I had to cut my trip short."

"The Mikaelson's have returned." 


Walking through the misty bayou Ophelia tried to clear her head of what Marcel had told her. The Mikaelsons were back in New Orleans after nearly a century. She didn't exactly know how to feel. While she did have a past with them, they didn't exactly have a past with her.

Her thoughts paused as she heard grunting and fighting drawing nearer. Hiding behind a grand black willow tree she silenced her breathing and waited. Her once clean brown heeled leather boots and the hem of her black skinny jeans were now splotched with mud and leaves.

Readying herself she prepared for the worst as the sound of crunching leaves and snapping twigs got closer and closer. Peering her head out from her hiding spot she watched as two witches chased a dirt-covered brunette, who had an arrow stuck in her shoulder. With her enhanced senses and the element of surprise, she snapped one of the witches' necks and fought off the second one. Breaking his riffle in two, impaling him with the barrel, the blood spraying across her face. Catching the brunette as she stumbled.

"You okay?" She asked the shaken-up brunette, giving her a minute to catch her breath. Taking the chance to rip out the arrow before the adrenaline she was sure was running through her veins ran out. Helping her sit down and sitting beside her leaning against a tree trunk with her legs bent in front of her resting her forearms on her knees listening to her heartbeat but was surprised to hear not one but two. The woman's and her fetus.

With one arm wrapped around her stomach, the brunette took a deep breath trying to slow her racing heart. Looking over at the woman who saved her she took in her now blood-stained maroon long-sleeve top and her once perfect hair now messy and falling in her face. However even if she did save her, she was still wary, knowing from her short time in New Orleans that not everyone, especially vampires and witches, could be trusted. "Thanks."

"No worries," she assured, reaching a hand out to the woman beside her. "I'm Ophelia."



Helping Hayley towards the small, secluded clinic she kept an arm around her as support. The poor woman looked exhausted. Ophelia whispered comforting words to her letting her know she could hear the fetus and assured her that it was ok. Having had been a nurse years ago and knowing what a healthy fetus sounded like.

Eyeing ahead she saw Rebekah and Klaus arguing in typical fashion as the latter paced back and forth. She watched as their heads snapped in their direction having heard their footsteps.

Klaus strode forward taking in Haley's complexion anxiously examining her for any wounds. "Hayley! What happened? Tell me what happened."

"I can't remember," she groggily replied.

"The witches that were chasing her have been taken care of," Ophelia interjected now having all attention on her. Guiding Hayley to sit on the clinic steps. "Hayley and the fetus are fine."

It felt odd seeing the Mikaelson siblings in the flesh after so many years, well over a century. Yet here she was speaking to them as if they were strangers, which to them she was.

"And who may you be?" Rebekah asked looking her up and down, standing protectively from her spot next to the exhausted brunette.

"Ophelia, she saved me." Hayley quietly stood up for her from her spot on the stairs.

"Thank you," Klaus told her differing from his usual harsh demeanour. Only nodding in return, Ophelia sped off back to the French quarter.


Making one last stop for the night she trudged up the many stairs that lead to the church attic. Excited to see the attic inhabitant again after being away for so long. Two weeks to be exact. Keeping quiet to surprise the young girl.

Quietly opening the door her smile dropped as soon as she looked inside. There in all his glory stood Elijah Mikaelson. The man who once held her heart and knew of all her desires, but now didn't even know her name.

Stepping inside the room she was tackled into a hug by the powerful young witch. "Ophie, I've missed you! When did you get back?" Hugging her back she couldn't tear her shocked gaze away from the suit-clad man before her. "Only recently Davie."

Breaking away from the hug she walked around the small room looking through the recent drawings Davina had done. Trying her best to ignore the original.

Standing behind he cleared his throat to gain her attention. Holding his hand out towards her as he spoke, "Elijah Mikaelson, it's a pleasure to meet you."

Placing her hand in his she tried her best to ignore the pain that shot through her heart at his statement, thinking this was the first time they had met. "Ophelia Beaumont, and the pleasure is all mine."

Pulling her hand away Ophelia felt as if she couldn't breathe, the pain in her heart was too great. The feeling of his hand touching hers, the warmth of his touch. The melancholy filled her, starting from his touch and spreading all over.

"I do think it's time we had a talk."  

A/N: New part out! Please vote and comment don't be a silent reader! 

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