Chapter 6

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           It's been so long since I last updated so hopefully you enjoy 😘


     The reason as to why Naruto was so happy and shocked was because they had taken him to where their first actual official date happened: ichiraku restaurant. In Narutos eyes it was the most beautiful place in the whole world that's why their first date happened here.

    He wiped the tears of happiness slowly trailing  down his tanned cheek and turned around to see his husbands to then jump on them hugging each one individually "THANK YOU GUYS!" he yelled out. "Anything for you Blondie" the eldest raven said as he received a kiss on the cheek by his blonde husband. "Let's go in now I'm starvinnnnnnnnnnngggggggg" Naruto said as his stomach growled to justify his point making all of them laugh. As soon as they walked in they were bombarded by women and men alike trying to get their attention at how attractive they all were. Naruto wanted to feel bad but he himself had a chunk of men salivating over him 'looks like this date will have to be cut short' he thought as he grabbed sasukes and kibas hands and pulled them out of the crowd the other husbands short on their trail.

    The people in ichiraku did not appreciate the fact that the handsome men were all taken away from them so they did what a normal person would do: they formed a mob and ran after them (without the pitchforks and fire except a lady who had some matches but that's for cigarettes... I think?). Naruto and the husbands quickly made it to to the limousine and got into it telling the driver to go back home. "We're sorry that this date didn't really happen how we wanted and that you didn't even get your ramen" kiba said as he rubbed Narutos thigh with an apologetic face "it's ok you stupid mutt I still had fun getting chased by people" he said as he giggled thinking of one of the people that had tripped and while they fell over they ripped a girls shirt showing her bra as she died of embarrassment. 

     They did stop at another restaurant but this time they wore masks to not be recognized. The ramen wasn't as good as ichiraku's but it sufficed and calmed down his hunger.

     Never eat at that restaurant unless you want to vomit it all out.

      The rest of the ride was quite since both kiba, Rock Lee, and Naruto fell asleep. When they got to the house the both of them woke up except for Naruto who had some drool on the edge of his mouth. Rock Lee being the gentleman he is picked him up as the others looked at them with jealousy  as they all walked into the house. Gaara opened the door just to be met with a disaster taida and koki crying, ai and Uki drawing on the living room Walls, Tsuyoi running around in her underwear with tape all over her, koinu and boruto pulling at each others hairs and punching and kicking on the floor with spilled milk, menma and minato jumping on the brand new couch, sarada putting Narutos makeup on (not that he needs it just that putting on a little bit never hurt anybody) while she wore one of suna's dresses, and finally the babysitter who was running around after Tsuyoi to put some clothes on her.

       All men stood there speechless, they weren't even gone for 2 hours. Rock Lee carefully stepped over the mess and went upstairs to put Naruto to bed, after 5 minutes he came back with cleaning supplies handing them out to all the husbands "we can't let Naruto-chan see this mess so my youthful friends who I have to share a husband with LET'S BE YOUTHFUL AND START CLEANING!!" they all nodded not really excited about having to clean. Neji walked up to the babysitter who had given up and as soon as he payed her 500$ she took the money and bowed down politely running the fuck out of there never wanting to return. As soon as the door was shut closed they all started cleaning. It took them 3 hours but they managed to clean the whole mansion, bathed and changed the kids, and put them to sleep without Narutos help and they were proud of themselves.

     They headed into their respective rooms and went to sleep at 1:30 am lucky them they didn't have work tomorrow or is it today? It doesn't matter the important thing is that they don't have work and can sleep all they want without having to worry.


      The next morning was eventful per say, the girls came back from their sleepover that mind you they didn't have permission for so of course they got grounded. Naruto made breakfast and then grounded the younger kids for acting up except obviously the toddlers and the baby's since they didn't know what they were doing was wrong and not ok. 

      "It's almost time for me and suna's school festival and we were wondering if you guys could come?" Hana said as she looked at their mom and dad and suna's dad. "What day is it so that we can arrange our work time's" gaara asked as he looked at his oldest daughter and smiled at her something he normally didn't do. "It's next week Wednesday" "WE SHALL ARRANGE SOMETHING MY SWEET CHILD" Lee yelled out excitedly as he grinned and started making buff poses with his daughter who did them exactly like her father.

     The rest of them felt ignored.


     940 words

    Yeah I didn't have enough motivation

      Bye 💃🏻

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09 ⏰

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