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I held the hand of my grandfather as he slowly drifted away into the forever sleep. His old wrinkly hand was so light, it felt as if it was about to break. He slowly croaked out,
"I need to give you's very special to me, and I want you to have it.."
He slowly hands me an old golden pocket watch. I hear the, click-click-click-click sound from the gears and things working. I glance up at my grandpa. I smile at him.
"Thank you very much grandpa!"
I say with glee. He slightly smiles then slowly closes his eyes.
"I wonder if he is tired." I ask myself.
All of a sudden everything goes crazy. The pocket watch is dinging very loud. The machines are buzzing so loud my ears are ringing and my eyes start to water. I fall to the floor screaming with pain. A nurse quickly comes in and pulls me up. We walk out of the room and everything just stops.
The sounds just stop.
I can't hear anything.
I look around the hallway. It's crawling with nurses.
I look back at grandfather. He's looking at me. No. Not me. The watch. I grab the watch and glance back at my grandfather. His eyes don't seem to sparkle anymore.
I smile at him.
But he's not moving. The nurses are moving quickly.
My smiles disappears.
He's dead.

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