Beginning of the end

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She shouted waking up from a dream. She is the protagonist of this tale. A girl with gloomy outlook, hopeless and always expecting the worst. However she was not ready for what was to come.

She as every other girl went to school. Did everything in a normal way. She was no special.
Apart from this the only thing she does different is write stories. She loved to write whatever she thought and liked.

That was her only entertainment.
One day she decided to write about her nightmares. In which she wrote about how she was chased by someone whom she has never met. It had no face, just a dark figure. why chasing her?? God knows!

She thought of her nightmares as a never ending tale. As it comes every night. On her next dream she heard a voice. It was the same dark figure from her last dream.
She was shocked. As she has never seen same characters from her dream again.

This time it was different. It spoke to her. It said "this is just the beginning,not the end". She freaked out. She told all her friends about her dream but no one seemed to give a damn. She decided not to sleep the next day.
But as soon as the clock struck 1 she fell asleep. Again this time it was a different place. Gladly she knew the ways as it was her own street. She spotted a library.

The voice was coming from there.
"Come here" it said. She went in and nobody was there. She was roaming around having random thoughts about death amd afterlife. Suddenly a book fell off from a shelf. She took and it was titled 'ways to control you dream'.
She read it without thinking she was in one.

Next day after waking up she wrote all she experienced a story and went to school. She was normal that, until she started hearing the same voice during her lunch break. She checked if anyone else could hear it too. But it was only her who could hear it.

She saw the same creature again in her real life in her school washroom. Just a glimpse. That's when she realised the creature from her dream is in real world.
Not knowing how to face this situation, she used online platforms and read books related to ghosts, seeking the truth.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01 ⏰

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