Part One Lost

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I'm lost. I knew it was a bad idea to go into these woods, why did I agree to do this and where did everyone go, Jesus Christ it's cold, how did it get dark so quick? "Help! Someone, anyone help me!" That's Marie screaming, I found myself running towards Marie's cries for help, I know it's dangerous and stupid it would have been better if I find the others but I couldn't stop myself maybe I was worried for someone that only talked to me once or was it demanding me to go to the woods with her and her friends either way I keep running...... And running... And running, tripping and falling into some bushes. I lift my head up to see Marie running and this tall slender person with glowing purple hypnotic eyes chasing her but whoever it is, it's holding something. The person grabs Marie by her hair, pulling her back so the moon light shines down onto Marie revealing deep leaking cut's running down her face that wasn't there when we entered the woods, did the stranger did this to Marie. The stranger lift up the unknown object, raising it above Marie's face as she keeps screaming and crying her eyes out, I found my eyes widen as I realize the object was a knife hanging above Marie. The stranger strikes down. Marie's body goes limp, a high energy person who could be mean at times just stops moving with a large knife through her head, I throw up all over myself "shit" I whisper to myself as a slowly crawl backwards, blood never been a strong point for me ever since I was little I remember always throwing up at the sight of blood but as a kid I never witness a murder, I stepped on a twig and just like in any horror or thriller movies it snaps as loud as it can so who ever they trying to hide from hears it. The stranger looks towards my direction but unable to see me, I watch as they pick up Marie like she was nothing and walk away. I waited until I was certain they had gone, I slowly got up and ran in the opposite direction of the stranger.

I run into someone that makes me stumble back but keeping me on my feet "whoa hey are you alright" I look up to see Aaron looking down at me with concern in his face "there's someone here and they killed Marie" I whisper pointing back from where I was running from. Aaron pulls out his phone but no cell service "ok lets get out of the woods and we will call the police" Aaron grabbed my hand and guided me out of the woods.

As we walk out I see the other two sitting on the hood of the car that brought us here, we started with five of us all coming here and going to leave with only 4 "what happened to you, your covered in puke and mud" June says unaware of the situation we are in but Damian knew what I saw, we knew each other when we was really young his the first person I throw up on because he had a nose bleed from football. Aaron pulls out his phone and calls the police as both June and Damian realize Marie isn't back.

The police took about an hour to get to us, the horror in June and Damian face when they got told about Marie "kids haven't the school not told you about going into theses woods and how dangerous it is?" the police officer says but he doesn't look that older to us but still calls us kids, the police shooing us off while they go into the woods.

We had a assembly in the morning about Marie but even if I get to witness it I had to go in which I found stupid but education and doing something will keep you're mind distracted whatever ball crap keeping me here and not letting me try and get some sleep "it is a shame that they never found her body" what? Did they just give up after half a night search? That woods is huge you wont be able to search it just half a night and I told them everything like which way the tall stranger went. Did they at least catch the stranger? "The police have confirmed no one else was in the woods, only her. We have had multiple assembly's saying not to go to those woods so we must warn you again, do not go in the woods" What the actually fuck is going on, why are they lying about it and I'm not the only one that knows they are lying. Aaron, June and Damian was horrified by the fact of theses lies and the lies from they people that are suppose to protect us. We all start walking out of the assembly's, I feel guilty, I know I couldn't have saved her but poor Aaron those two been dating since they were in year 7 now his lost without her. "Miss Rhae kill may you come with me" great two minutes in a lesson and the headteacher already wants me, it's probably about the woods if i had to guess but we not walking to his office, we walking to the meeting rooms.

As we walk in i can see Damien, June and Aaron waiting with a lawyer "please take a seat miss kill" the lawyer pointed at the empty seat, this is really gloomy which is understandable. Sitting down fills my with regret and guilt as I'm the only who could of helped her but even if i did it would change everything, like i would have died and no one could have told Aaron about Marie and Calling the police, even if they didn't help, we left safe, unharmed, alive. The lawyer pulls out four documents and handing them over, it basically reads that if we sign it we get ten million pounds but we can't talk about Marie. Looking at June and Damien as they sign it which i can understand, they come from struggling families and since they are twins they have twice as much then me and Aaron would get but me and Aaron comes from rich families and i have a weekend job as well, money means nothing to us. June and Damien leave the room with tears in their eyes, leaving me and Aaron alone with the lawyer.

"You two realize if you don't sign this you two would be in a lot of danger" the lawyer trying to warn us but I seen what happened and Aaron was her boyfriend, nothing making us sign this and the lawyer knew it. The lawyer pack up the documents and looking at as like it's going to be the last time he ever going to see us. The headteacher grabbed our shoulder with sympathy just to walk out leaving me and Aaron alone. Alone, lost and needing to find justice for Marie.

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