6. The beach

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"Girl, what are you doing here?"

Hellen opened her eyes, blinking as she felt the sunlight on her face.

After a moment of confusion, she remembered where she was. The night before she had lacked the strength to look for shelter, and despite Win's protests, she had huddled in the porch of a small bar that remained closed, very close to the beach. She had slept more than she intended, and that muggle had found her.

"I'm leaving right now," she murmured, remembering in time that she shouldn't use magic in public. She knew that Win was nearby, but she preferred to avoid an unnecessary confrontation with the muggle.

"Wait, I'm not kicking you out," the man protested, raising his hands. He looked her up and down, taking in her disheveled clothes and her messy hair. "You seem too young to be alone. What's your name?"

"I've already told you I'm leaving," she insisted. She didn't trust him, and preferred to get away as soon as possible. The man moved out of her way, and she walked towards the beach, aimlessly.

Despite her plans for freedom, Hellen didn't know what to do. She had muggle money, but no one had prepared her for life in the outside world.

She was hungry, dirty and sweaty. Feeling miserable, she sat on the sand, looking out to sea. The vision was still paradisiacal, but that did not calm her unease.

"The muggle is watching the miss," Win whispered, invisible next to her. Hellen looked over her shoulder. The man had opened the doors of the premises, and was placing some tables and chairs outside. He looked at her frequently, thoughtful.

Hellen ignored him. She had to think about how to proceed.

"I think I should stop using magic," she whispered, hugging her knees. "They can trace my magical trail and find me. If I pretend to be a muggle, I can hide from the aurors," Win said nothing, but the young woman knew that the house-elf felt as much disbelief as she did about her plan. "I don't know how muggles live, but I have to learn. I can't return... I can't go back there."

The images of Halloween night returned to her head, making her shudder.

"Win will protect the miss. She won't let the aurors find her."

"That may not be enough, they are many, and you are only one," Hellen buried her face in her arms, dejected.

"Miss... Win thinks the muggle wants to offer you food."

Hellen looked back at the building, and saw that, indeed, the man had left a plate of food on the table closest to the beach, and had returned inside the premises.

She groaned as she felt the pain in her stomach. She was starving.

"Can you keep an eye on him?"

"Win will not leave the miss. If the muggle tries to harm her, Win will stop him."

Fighting her wariness, Hellen slowly approached the table. There was no sign of the muggle, and several pieces of fruit, bread and something that looked like juice were waiting on the table.

After getting Win's approval, Hellen pounced on the plate, devouring its contents. Surreptitiously, she passed part of the food to her companion.

A few minutes later, the muggle returned with another plate in his hand. The smell of scrambled eggs wafted through the air.

"Do you mind if I sit with you?" looking at the plate, Hellen shook her head.

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