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"I can't believe I live on my own" I smiled sitting on my kitchen counter

"I can't believe you gave me my own room in your apartment" Minjeong said running into the room

"this is only because you're here Minjeong-ah, don't get ahead of yourself" I chuckled

"still, it's basically my room since you don't have a roommate or anyone to sleepover here other than me" she said laying on the bed

"you just make sure your things for school are ready or else I'm sending you back to your parents early" I glared at her

"yes unnie" she got up and sorted out all her school stuff and I chuckled softly

"upgraded my closet, changed my hair again, got my own place and I couldn't be happier with my life" I said to myself while walking around the apartment

Minjeong and I woke up every day and ate breakfast together before leaving for school

"god you're making me feel like a single mom" I joked while driving

"you'd make a good mom, Zoi" she said smiling at me

"blurgh... me, a mom? your big sister's gonna be a rockstar... no time for babies" I ruffled her hair and laughed

"not fair I wanna be an aunt, unnie" she pouted

"we'll see in 10 years" she smiled at my response

"come let's go, we're gonna be late"

School ended and I went and waited for Minjeong by my car, like usual

She finally showed, accompanied by her friends, I waved at them and she said her goodbyes to them

"I hope I'm not making you late" she came running

"nope, we'll have to hope there's no one there though" I chuckled opening the door for her

We arrived at the piercing shop, "no fucking way!" she exclaimed

"LANGUAGE HAN MINJEONG!!" I yelled at her causing the car to slightly jerk as I parked

"sorry unnie" she quickly apologised covering her mouth her with hands

"next time, I tell mom" I said stepping out the car

"wait no, unnie... it won't happen again I promise" she pleaded following me out

We walked into the shop and Minjeong trailed off looking around the shop

"don't touch anything okay" I warned her

She stared at my ear the whole ride to the tattoo place

"you're so cool unnie" her eyes sparkling in awe

"thanks Jo" I smirked

We arrived at the tattoo place and Minjeong ran in ahead of me, "this kid" I chuckled locking my car

Minjeong sat and watched me get tattooed again

"unnie does this one hurt as well?" her eyes were filled with worry

"like a bitch Mini, but it's so worth it" I smiled and held her hand to comfort her

The artist finished up and cleaned it, "can I see please?" Minjeong spoke up and the guy moved away and let her look

"koi fish and a jellyfish..." she spoke with a smile and we finished up

"when I'm older I'm gonna get the same tattoo" she said looking at me from the passenger side

"and I'll be waiting" I said gently pushing her arm

We got ice cream and drove home without stopping again

STILL MONSTER [Ni-ki x Reader] // plot verWhere stories live. Discover now