mixed up

42 3 3

I wash my bowl and go sit in the living room with my laptop, "I need a distraction"

I opened up my laptop and looked for something to do

"ahh I should create some demos, that way when my equipment gets here I have projects already" I went and got my headphones and started drafting demos

"mmmh I think I should eat, it's been hours" I get up and take out the doenjang jjigae from last night and heat it up

I sit on the couch and start zoning out while eating making me eat very slowly

"okay let's imagine that Ni-ki wasn't lying, how is that even possible" I blurted out

"okay he was obsessed with me right, but apparently didn't have a crush" I waved my spoon around

"then boom he gets a crush on me, and he's eager until..." I take a couple bites of the stew

"until he accidentally sees Heeseung kiss me one day, now he's heartbroken" I think for a second

"okay let's say the kiss made him think he'd lost his chance with me... and Heeseung and I always being together on the roof maybe he thought we had a thing going on" I slowly nod

"okay okay... now let's add that with the fact that he said it hurt him that I never paid him much mind and treated him like a child, which he was" I roll my eyes

"all of that maybe one day he mistakenly says something blunt, that hurts my feelings and for the first time I notice him as more than just a child" I eat some more

"now lovely little sixteen year old Riki gets the bright idea that if he's blunt with me I'll pay him mind and stop treating him like a child, his perfect little plan... he gets my attention and he gets to let out his hurt" I pout for a second

"this would make a pretty good story actually" I laugh

"anyway back to my analysis... he gets super butthurt one day and exposes me and Heeseung only to find out that nothing had been going on this whole time and he realises his major 2 year long fuck up, bringing us to where we are now" I sigh

"poor kid's being eaten up inside out by his behaviour but doesn't know how to fix it so he keeps upsetting me in attempts to make reparations" I take the last bite

"pretty kickass storyline isn't it?" I say washing my dishes

"too bad life isn't a K-drama, enemies to lovers shitty plotline my ass" I huff and go lie down on my bed

I wake up 2 hours later not realising I'd fallen asleep. I rub my eyes and grab my phone

"don't carelis acaDIEmy gc" must be another work of Ni-ki" I opened the chat


Does anyone know what's wrong with Ni-ki?

I don't think I've seen him all day

Exactly, it's like he disappeared 😬

He won't leave the room, no matter what I say

Maybe he's sick, did anyone check that

I'm not sick, can you guys just leave it alone😒

Then what's wrong Ni-ki? You wouldn't even play football with me earlier😔

Ni-ki are you sure you're not sick, I saw you earlier and you looked kinda worn down🙁

Am I the only who hasn't seen him today??

STILL MONSTER [Ni-ki x Reader] // plot verWhere stories live. Discover now