☀️Chaper one🌙

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The rising sun awoke you from your peaceful sleep, the bright, warm light both unbearable yet welcoming.

You heard a knock, and in came your lady in waiting Lillian, ready to assist you.
"It's time to wake up, my lady. It is breakfast time." She smiled warmly.

Y/n got out of their comfy bed, and they went on to get ready. Y/n changed into a beautiful blue dress, the main color of their kingdom, with small hints of F/c here and there. (If your favorite color is blue, make it a different shade of blue)

They both began walking to the dining hall, giving a smile and wave to the other staff members as they went. Once in the dining hall, Lillian left to tend to her other duties.

Sitting at the table was your stepmother queen m/n and your father king d/n. Your mother noticed you entered and went up to you to give you a hug. You hugged back as you greeted her. " Good morning, Mama."

You see, the original queen was what you could call a piece of work. She was manipulative and only showed love to you when others were around. Your father found out and divorced her. A few years later, you both met your now stepmother. She is the sweetest and kindest person you have ever met, but the word "mom" no longer felt like a good title due to your first mother, so you started calling your step mom 'Mama.'

"How are you today? She asked. "I'm doing great. I just wish I could get some more sleep." You both laughed, and you ran over to give your dad a hug as well. You needed to be careful of his leg due to him having surgery, but he more then happily returned the hug.

They all sat down and waited for the butler's to bring the food, as they waited, D/n looked over at y/n af if he wanted to say something. "Y/n, there is a ball happening, and I would be glad to hear if you attended." Your smile dropped at the idea of going somewhere as crowded as a ball, but before she could protest, their dad spoke. "It's in the vampire kingdom an-" before he could even finish his sentence, Y/n had run off to get ready.

They have always wanted to visit the vampire kingdom, and now they can! You ran to your closet and picked out the perfect gown to wear. It was a blue gown because it's mandatory to wear your kingdoms colors when visiting another kingdom so people know where you're from.

You placed the gown on your bed and started searching for some accessories. You went with some nice earrings and a bracelet made with (f/gem)
Oh, you can't wait for tonight!

You heard a knock on the door and opened it to find your dad waiting patiently.

"May I come in?"

* Tell me what you think, and I'll continue this. This is one of my more serious stories, so I want to make sure people will actually read this. Please tell me any ideas on how to make this part longer but also remains within this area of the timeline.*

Please join my discord if you wish to assist me in the process of making this story!!!


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