Squid In Ya Area

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Blackpink, the famous K-pop girl group, was on a vacation in Hawaii. They had rented a yacht and decided to go on a cruise around the islands. They were enjoying the sun, the breeze, and the music, when they noticed something strange in the water.

"Hey, look at that!" Jennie said, pointing to a dark shape that was moving under the surface.

"What is it?" Lisa asked, leaning over the railing.

"I don't know, maybe a whale?" Jisoo guessed.

"Or a shark?" Rosé added, feeling a bit nervous.

They watched as the shape came closer and closer, until they realized it was not a whale or a shark, but something much bigger and weirder.

"It's a giant squid!" Jennie exclaimed, her eyes wide.

"A giant squid?" Lisa repeated, incredulous.

"A giant squid!" Jisoo confirmed, grabbing her phone to take a picture.

"A giant squid!" Rosé echoed, feeling a surge of curiosity and excitement.

The giant squid was indeed huge, with a long body, a pair of fins, and eight arms and two tentacles that were covered with suckers. Its eyes were the size of dinner plates, and its beak was sharp and menacing. It looked like something out of a horror movie, but also strangely beautiful and fascinating.

The squid seemed to be curious about the yacht, and circled around it, occasionally surfacing and spraying water with its siphon. The girls were amazed and scared at the same time, and wondered what it would do next.

"Wow, this is incredible!" Jennie said, admiring the squid.

"Can we pet it?" Lisa asked, reaching out her hand.

"Are you crazy?" Jisoo said, pulling her back. "It might bite you!"

"Or worse, drag you into the water!" Rosé said, shivering.

They decided to keep a safe distance from the squid, and just observe it from the yacht. They took photos and videos, and posted them on their social media accounts, causing a sensation among their fans and the public.

"Look at how many likes and comments we got!" Jennie said, scrolling through her phone.

"Everyone is freaking out!" Lisa said, laughing.

"We're so lucky to see this!" Jisoo said, smiling.

"Maybe we should write a song about it!" Rosé suggested, humming a tune.

They were having fun, until they noticed that the squid was getting more and more aggressive. It started to bump into the yacht, making it rock and shake. It also wrapped its tentacles around the railing, and tried to pull it down.

"Uh-oh, I think it's angry!" Jennie said, feeling alarmed.

"Maybe it wants to play?" Lisa said, hoping for the best.

"Or maybe it wants to eat us!" Jisoo said, fearing for the worst.

"Let's get out of here!" Rosé said, grabbing the steering wheel.

They quickly started the engine, and tried to speed away from the squid. But the squid was faster and stronger, and followed them closely, not letting go of its grip.

"Help! Help!" Jennie screamed, waving her arms.

"Someone call the coast guard!" Lisa yelled, dialing her phone.

"Someone do something!" Jisoo cried, looking for a weapon.

"Someone sing a song!" Rosé said, trying to calm the squid.

She started to sing one of their hits, "How You Like That", hoping that the squid would like it and leave them alone. The other girls joined her, and soon they were singing and dancing on the yacht, as if they were performing on stage.

The squid seemed to be confused by their sudden change of mood, and stopped attacking the yacht. It listened to their song, and watched their moves, and slowly relaxed its tentacles. It even bobbed its head and waved its arms, as if it was enjoying the music.

The girls were surprised and relieved, and realized that the squid was not evil, but just lonely and bored. They felt sorry for it, and decided to befriend it. They stopped the yacht, and smiled at the squid.

"Hi, there!" Jennie said, waving her hand.

"Nice to meet you!" Lisa said, blowing a kiss.

"Sorry for disturbing you!" Jisoo said, bowing her head.

"We love you!" Rosé said, making a heart sign.

The squid seemed to understand their gestures, and responded with its own. It blinked its eyes, squirted some water, nodded its head, and made a heart sign with its tentacles. It looked happy and grateful, and even cute.

The girls and the squid exchanged some more signs, and learned a bit about each other. They found out that the squid was a male, and that he lived alone in the deep sea. He had never seen humans before, and was curious about them. He had followed the yacht because he liked the sound of their music, and wanted to join them.

They told him that they were a girl group, and that they sang and danced for a living. They also told him their names, and asked him his. He said that he didn't have a name, but that they could give him one.

They thought for a moment, and then came up with a name that suited him.

"How about Squink?" Jennie suggested.

"Squink?" Lisa repeated.

"Squink!" Jisoo agreed.

"Squink!" Rosé exclaimed.

They all liked the name, and so did the squid. He smiled and nodded, and said that he was Squink.

They introduced him to their fans, and made him an honorary member of Blackpink. They took more photos and videos with him, and posted them online, making him an instant celebrity. They also wrote a new song for him, called "Squink With Us", and sang it to him, making him feel special.

They spent some more time with him, and had a lot of fun. They played games, told jokes, and shared stories. They learned more about his life, and he learned more about theirs. They found out that they had a lot in common, and that they liked each other a lot.

They became good friends, and promised to keep in touch. They gave him a radio, and taught him how to use it. They also gave him some gifts, such as a hat, a necklace, and a stuffed animal. They hugged him and kissed him, and said goodbye.

They left him in the ocean, and returned to the shore. They were sad to leave him, but happy to have met him. They thanked him for the adventure, and wished him well. They hoped to see him again, and invited him to their next concert.

They waved at him from the yacht, and he waved back from the water. He smiled and nodded, and said that he was Squink.

He was Squink, the giant squid, and he was their friend. 🦑

Squid In Ya Area (Blackpink X Giant Squid)Where stories live. Discover now