𝙂𝙄𝙍𝙇 𝙁𝘼𝙄𝙇𝙐𝙍𝙀; pretty girls

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the [H/C]—haired girl greeted, waving her hand at the blonde who had just entered the classroom. her braces on display as she smiled.

Bebe Stevens was very well—liked. boys and girls wise, sure she was a bit of a bitch but that didn't stop her from being a sweetheart at heart for those who were close to her.

(Y/N) surprisingly being one of them.

"hey toots!"

the blonde greeted back, taking her place next to (Y/N) who was already starting to take out the materials for the class.

even as Bebe turned away, (Y/N) kept smiling as she watched the girl get her stuff, math class was tolerable with Bebe. sometimes not considering Eric Cartman sat next to her.

speak of the devil, the fat tub of lard—as his friends would say— waltzed into the class and fell into the seat next to (Y/N), causing the girl's day to get ruined just being near the guy.

"hey Bebe, hey... whatever your name is."

Cartman greeted, somewhat. (Y/N) knew he was just trying to tease her, she had known the teenager since the two were in preschool. he along with his other friends.

Bebe didn't greet back and instead focused on the girl next to her, a smile gracing her freckled, and tanned face.

"anyways—are you excited for the game?"

oh yeah. (Y/N) had completely forgotten about the game even though she was practicing cheer for it literally yesterday.

"not really...  you know I don't really care for all of that school spirit stuff."

Bebe giggled and rolled her eyes, "school spirit? please! this school sucks the spirit out of you."

"haha! sucks the spirit out of you!"

Cartman immaturely pointed out, laughing as if it was the greatest joke known to man. causing (Y/N) and Bebe to side—eye him really quick before turning back towards each other.

"yeah, but either way I still gotta practice."
(Y/N) shrugged, placing her arms on her desk as she played with the sleeve of her jacket.

Bebe watched the girl's fingers pull and twirl around the fabric as she nodded, pouting out her lips a bit.

"hey, after the game, me and the girls are gonna have a sleepover. wanna come?"

holy shit.
the girl's eyes fell towards her fingers as well, she had never been to a sleepover in forever. not ever since that one sleepover at Heidi's but she wasn't really friends with any of the girls. they just felt the need to invite someone else to make up for Marj, who was secretly Butters.

"Sure. I can ask my mom."
(Y/N) sent her a smile and a shrug, causing the blonde to squeal and hugged her. causing the sides of their faces to be pressed against each other.

"EE! this is going to be so much fun!make sure you bring your cutest PJ's by the way! OH! and some snacks!"

the girl just smiled as she took in the feel of Bebe's body pressed against hers.

I love women.

Cartman watched the interaction with a scowl.

"girls are such fags."


though muffled, the group of boys at the lunch table perfectly understood what their friend just said.

"dude! knock it off with the knockers we get it!"
Kyle Broflovski grunted, slamming his hands against the table and glaring towards the unfazed Kenny McCormick. who just stared blankly at the wall with bloodshot eyes.

"ugh, dude, this is so weak..."
Stan Marsh groaned, his head slumped against the table while his arms held his stomach back. somehow trying to relieve the aching feeling in it.

"Aw geez Stan you sure did drink a lot at that party..."
Butters Stotch spoke, rubbing his knuckles together whilst studying the black—haired hungover teen in worry.

"you weren't even invited Butters."
Cartman grumbled, continuing to play on his Nintendo.

and just by the boy's table, stood the table full of girls.

"and then, I got these cute shoes!"
Bebe gleamed, looking down at the black heels that adorned her feet along with some white ruffled socks.

"oh my god those are amazing."
Wendy awed, also looking down at her feet in amazement. the rest of the girls along too each gave a compliment.

(Y/N) also looked down at the shoes, before sitting upright again, she loves Bebe but she knew the reason she always got the cutest and latest shoes was because of Clyde.

they have been going out since elementary and it was just sad at this point, Clyde had deluluded himself into thinking Bebe was actually into him.

I mean, not that the girl had anything against it, you gotta do what you gotta do to look cute I guess.

(Y/N) weren't frends with all of the girls or barely for that matter, Bebe would always invite her over to the table since she've always noticed (Y/N) sitting alone. of course the girl didn't mind if it was out of pity, as long as she sat next to girls to didn't mind.

she stuck out like a sore thumb, her clothing style was nothing compared to the other girls who wore fashionable and expensive clothing. she was the black cat of the group, unusual and weird.

maybe the only thing she ever had in common with these girls was being a cheerleader, but other than that she does not now anyone personally.

Bebe continued to rant on about some makeup she had gotten, (Y/N), who was beside the girl along with Wendy— started to get sleepy.

not because of Bebe's rant, but because of the sudden surge of tiredness that was common at school for the girl.

her [H/C] hair fell against the tables as she slumped her head down. causing Bebe and the girls to look over in worry.

"sweetheart? what's wrong? am I talking too much?"
Bebe questioned, frowning at the fact that it was because of her non—stop talking.

(Y/N) shook her head no, "I'm tired..."
she grumbled.

Bebe nodded her head, too busting studying the girl hair to reply.

"well, then I'm pretty sure my shoulder is comfortable too, wanna give it a try?"
the blonde asked with a grin, all the girls instantly looked towards Bebe with a shocked expression— was Bebe trying to flirt with (Y/N)??

the emo cheerleader?? tin grin??

even (Y/N) was shocked herself, tilting her head towards Bebe who only smiled back.

"really?... your not messing with me?"

Bebe shook her head and motioned both hands at the girl.

the [H/C]—haired girl celebrated in her head, sitting up and scooting closer to Bebe, admiring her features in the process.

all the girls watched intensely as Bebe wrapped her arms around the girls waist, (Y/N) leaning her head on the girl's shoulder, Bebe's arm fat comfy against the nape of her neck.

the red—lipstick adorned girl looked over at the girl at her shoulder who had already closed her eyes. her arms were too busy snuggling (Y/N).

then she lifted her blue eyes up, instantly being met with eyes of different colors staring at both her and the girl snuggled close.

"what can I say?? I'm a girls girl."

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𝙂𝙄𝙍𝙇 𝙁𝘼𝙄𝙇𝙐𝙍𝙀; south park ☆Where stories live. Discover now