Chapter 3: The Transformation

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That night, Hilda and her friends drove to the mountain. 

Hilda: "I'm really gonna miss you guys."

David: "We're gonna miss you too, Hilda."

Raven: "Don't worry, kid. We'll never forget about you."

Twig was sad to say goodbye to his owner, but he'll always remember her. They soon arrived outside the mountain. Trylla, and Baba were out there.

Trylla: "Hilda! It's so good to see you again."

Baba: "Baba!"

Hilda: "I missed you guys."

Hilda then went to talk to her mother.

Johanna: "Are you sure this is what you want?"

Hilda: "Yes, mum. They need me."

Johanna hugged her daughter.

Hilda: "Just be safe with the trolls, okay?"

Hilda: "Don't worry, mum. I'll be okay."

Twig made sad noises.

Hilda: "You've been the best friend I could ever have. You were always there for me, and I was always there for you. I'll miss you, boy."

Hilda hugged her pet.

Hilda: "Alright. I'm ready."

Frida: "Okay."

Kaisa: "Here goes nothing."

But as they were about to do it, they heard a whistle.

Edward: "STOP! Wait for me!"

It was Edward The Blue Engine. He came rushing up to the group.

Edward: "Hello! Sorry! Sorry, I'm late! I came to say goodbye to Hilda."

Hilda hugged the blue engine.

Hilda: I'm gonna miss you Edward."

Edward: "I'll miss you too, Hilda."

Frida: "Are you ready now, Hilda?"

Hilda: "Yes."

Frida and Kaisa waved their wands, and chanted the spell. They then pointed their magic at Hilda. Powerful light shined, and everyone watched as Hilda transformed into a troll. Edward was the most surprised.

Edward: "I don't believe it."

By the time the light was gone, the transformation was complete. Hilda once again a troll.

Hilda: "It worked!"

David: "Whoa."

Frida: "Amazing."

Kaisa: "I'm so proud of you, Frida."

Raven: "You look great, Hilda."

Edward: "I guess... This is goodbye."

Twig was scared.

Hilda: "It's still me, Twig."

Twig looked at Hilda's new body. He rubbed against it.

Hilda: "Goodbye, boy."

Hilda then let out a loud roar. Edward then blew his whistle loud and long.

Hilda: "Goodbye, everyone."

And with that, everyone left Hilda with the trolls. 

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