Chapter 7: 5 Years Later

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5 years passed, and Hilda grew up. Her troll body became more muscular, and her blue hair grew longer. She looked like a young woman, but she was still a troll. She was 18.

Hilda: "I can't believe it's been 5 years since I came back. But how am I more giant sized than the rest of the trolls?"

Trylla: "I forgot to tell you. When a human is in a troll's body. They grow giant sized when they are 18 years old."

Hilda: "I did not know that."

Trylla: "Some of us remain our age. Like me, and Baba."

Just then, the Mountain King walked up to them.

Mountain King: "Listen, Hilda. I've grown old, tired, and weak. I think it's time for me to pass the throne to someone else. Would you be able to do it? I know you've been here before, but this time... It's urgent!"

Hilda thought for a moment. Could she really do this?!

To be continued...

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