Ch. 5 - The Exposé

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Both cars pull into Cobe's driveway. Cobe immediately jumps out of his car to prevent Kam from telling him off again. But mostly to get Karson and Corinna out of the car quicker. Just as he planned, Karson and Corinna got out of the car as soon as they noticed Cobe. Kam rolled his eyes at the situation.
Corinna: Calm down before your head explodes
Cobe: I'm fine, just making sure you didn't trip
Corinna: Mhm
Cobe: You should probably move your car to the back. Clarissa is really nosey.
Kam: I'll handle it
Kam gets in the car and moves it to the back of the house
Cobe: I want you away from my sister
Karson: I'm not here to harm her in any way Cobe, I simply want to clear her reputation
Cobe: And that's it? You'll leave her alone after that?
Karson: You don't have to worry about me
Corinna: Karson?
He looks over his shoulder and gives her a look. Corinna immediately glues her mouth shut, hoping not to ruin his plan.
Karson: I'll clear her name and I'll leave. Plain and simple
Cobe softens and looks between the two of them
Cobe: Good. You clear my sister's name and then get out of here.
Karson: Yes
Cobe: Deal.
Kam walks back around the corner and walks towards the door.
Kam: If we don't want caught, shouldn't we head inside? You know, away from the public
Cobe: Yes, of course
Cobe backs towards Kam, not taking his eyes off of Karson. As he turns to unlock the door Karson grabs Corinna's hand and gives it a reassuring squeeze before quickly releasing her. She walks towards the door with Karson close behind her.
Corinna locks the door behind them as they walk toward the dining room. When Cobe gets out of sight she pulls Karson to her. She whispers just low enough so he can hear.
Corinna: I don't care what I have to do, you're not leaving me after this.
Karson: There's no way I could
Kam clears his throat and speaks low to them
Kam: Look, I may be the only brother not against this, but you need to be more careful
Without another word he walks away. Karson walks behind him throwing a wink at Corinna before turning around. Corinna smiles to herself and follows after them.
Karson: So we've already discussed the accusations, and I've given the world the plot holes but no one believes any of it
Cobe: So how do you plan on changing that? If your words aren't powerful enough, what makes you think people will believe you now.
Karson: An exposé on the company I used to work for
Kam: Karson that's dangerous
Corinna: Is your credibility worth it?
Karson glances at Corinna with a slight grin
Karson: More than. If I tell the world what I was forced to say and then tell them what I really wanted to say then maybe they'll believe you're innocent
Kam: She's innocent regardless of their accusations is sacrificing any credibility you ever had really worth making people believe what's already true
Karson: Like I said, it's more than worth it
Corinna: Karson can I talk to you for a moment? Alone?
Cobe: Corinna
Corinna: Please.
Cobe: Fine but make it quick
Corinna rounds the corner with Karson close behind her. When they're out of ear shot she turns around and glares at him.
Corinna: What the hell are you thinking?
Karson: Corinna...
Corinna: No Karson. I can't let you sacrifice your career just based off of a slight chance that the world will believe you over a label. Independent reporters do not get near as many readers as labeled ones. I know you're the most popular journalist out there but you were built through a label. If you don't post with that label, who's to say you get enough attention to make a difference? I can't let you sacrifice your career for me.
Karson: Corinna please.
Corinna: You've been a writer your entire life I can't just let you sacri-
Karson cuts Corinna off with a desperate kiss. He pulls her closer with a one hand pull on her waist. Corinna moves her hands to his chest before pushing him against the wall breaking the kiss.
Corinna: The hell was that?
Karson: I'm sorry, I couldn't think of another way to get you to listen to me.
Corinna signs and releases him
Corinna: Talk.
Karson: I wasn't going to keep reporting for long anyway.
Corinna: What.?
Karson was unsure of how to react to Corinna's response. Her eyes were dark and her voice deepened with the question, almost angry.
Karson: I'm breaking from the label to reveal your truth and I was planning on ending my journalism after the report.
Corinna: So that's all I am? A blowout case?
Karson: What? No! Corinna I've been following this case since I started journalism. It's why I started in the first place.
Corinna: What are you saying?
Karson: I knew you were innocent, I just needed the platform to prove it. I needed to ensure people would listen. I couldn't do that as a small town boy with no credibility.
Corinna: That's why you didn't need an interview...
Karson: Corinna this article has been in my private files since I started. But, I couldn't publish it until I had the credibility's and the platform to get the attention needed
Corinna: Karson...
Kam: Guys, Cobe is seconds away from breaking this door down.
Karson: You really do have the worst timing
Kam: Well, there's no telling what would've been happening if Cobe came in before I did just a few seconds later
Corinna: Oh shut up Kam. Come on
She walks out the door with Cobe close behind her demanding to know what happened. Kam looks at Karson
Kam: Does she know?
Karson: Everything
Kam: And?
Karson: I'm publishing the article
Kam: As in the article you wrote when you were 15? The one you wrote before the fame?
Karson: Yes. 24 hours after The Exposé, the McAllister article will be published independently and it will get the attention it deserves. The McAllister's can finally have peace. No more mobs, no more threats.
Kam: And what about you?
Karson: I would have fulfilled my purpose of journalism, and I'll be done
Kam: And Corinna?
Karson: Will be free
Kam: Then we can go home?
Karson: Not yet. I have a few more things I need to do here.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04 ⏰

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