A/N + Info

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Hi to everyone who's chose to read this, whichever platform you have come from, or if you just stumbled across this!!  <3

!! I will be doing drawings going along with the chapters On my twitter which is Vxlswife but they will most likely take me a lot longer, since I draw traditionally, have school, and as someone with ADHD + Perfectionism. !!

Some basic information about this series:

- A new chapter will most likely be posted every week. If not two or more times a week.

- This is a Fan fic of mine, my first-time writing. (If any errors made!)

- The series is about Velvet and Veneer mainly, more so focusing on Velvet's POV (so sorry my dear Veneer lovers <3)

- Main point of view in this series will be those of Velvet, and my OC Avani Star (See image above)

- The chapters range from the scenes after the movie takes place, getting off the yacht, cop car, jail, out of jail, redemption ark, etc.

- Will be JAM packed with information this series is most likely going to be very long

- Many other OC's & Characters will be in this series of friends I know and canon characters from the movie.

- This series will not be as obscene as other ones, it will mainly be focused on more canon acts while there will be some swearing, nothing that sexual at all will be included, as I do not write that as of now.

Different povs will be separated like so : ----Avani----- (Ex.)

Thoughts/actions will be : put in italics 

Any exaggerated parts will be in bold !

Etc,, (I'm sure most of this is common sense)

Some characters that will be in this series:

-Velvet & Veneer

- Caly Chesire (@mak_melly on TikTok)

-Avani Star (My OC)


-Sprite Mae (@ragdoll_pixie on TikTok)

And many other Oc's, background characters, and canon characters of course!

The reason(s) my OC will have a majority POV of this series as well is because I would love to build up a background for her as well as just make it overall more entertaining. 

If you guys want your Oc's in the series/have requests, or ideas, feel absolutely free to suggest them to me in the comments/replies <3

I will be posting this on Ao3 as well, both will be updated around the same time!! I will also be taking snippets and screenies of whatever I write and occasionally making comics out of them to post on my twitter (Vxlswife). My TikTok is  vxlswife as well.

That's about it if anyone has questions or anything else lmk!! I'll be actively working on this as quick as I can <3

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