Chapter 2.

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Velvet's POV

Veneer and I were still looking out on the set when the manager started to count down the time until the interviews started. "3... 2... 1... And we're live!" Everyone immediately quieted down, as I leaned forward making it easier for me to hear what was going on.

Avani's POV

As the interview started, I could hear the audience cheering. I turned back to wave at them, then back around to Ritz with a smile on my face. "Welcome back Avani! Last time you were here was when you first hit the charts, been a bit hasn't it?" Ritz looked at me and smiled. His natural talent in interviews would always amaze me. While I was never nervous for interviews, Ritz just had a natural talent about the way he interviewed everyone.


"It has been a bit hasn't it Ritz?" I said smiling. "Indeed, it has!" Ritz said with a grin. "So, tell us Miss Star, what's life like now that you're at the thirteenth spot on the top charts?" Ritz leaned forward, intrigued in what my answer would be.  I frowned for a second but then plastered a smile on my face. "Well Ritz, Life is good. I may not be in the top 5 anymore, but honestly? Nothing's really changed for me." A lot has actually changed. I had to make myself look good though. I grinned and continued with my answer. "I still have my dear fans and more music on the way!" I winked towards the camera, earning an eruption of applause with my answer.


Ritz and I continue to go back and forth with questions and answers for another 30 minutes. We were nearing the end of the show and Ritz had one last question. "So, tell me Avani, have you heard of the newest stars? The twin duo Velvet and Veneer?" I thought about my answer for a few seconds trying to twist it into something nice that wouldn't build any rivarly hopefully. Then right when I was about to answer... The sound of metal crashing intterupted me. 

Velvet's POV

After standing behind the curtain with Veneer for what felt like fucking hours, Ritz finally asked the perfect question. As Ritz asked this Avani bitch what she thought of us, I leaned in even more so I could hear better. As I was gripping the curtain, straining to hear her response to the question, my narrowed eyes widened. I heard the curtain rip not once, but TWICE, then it came crashing down with the metal bar that was holding it up.


I gasped as I felt myself falling towards the stage along with the curtain and metal bar. I would have fallen with it all, if it wasn't for Veneer who quickly winded his arm with mine and pulled me behind a wall. I grabbed Veneer by the wrist and dragged him to our permanent dressing room on the set.


I slammed the door behind us, making sure to lock the door, before going over to my vanity and knocking several of my glass bottles of it and onto the ground with a swipe of my hand. Veneer sat down on the couch looking unbothered, as I growled and slouched down into the chair at my vanity. "Honestly, what the fuck. Do these people not maintain the fucking set better?? I could have DIED!!" I spun my chair around to face Veneer and propped my face up on my hands with my elbows on my legs.


"You did see that right Veneer." Veneer glanced up at me then back down at his nails studying them "Girl... of course I saw that you almost face planted." I glared at him. "I did not almost face plant." Veneer looked up at me and did some hand motions mocking the way I almost fell. I rolled my eyes and turned back around to my vanity. Thinking about how close I was to hearing that bitch's answer. I slammed my fist on the vanity, knocking another bottle off. I rubbed my temples with my fingers and looked in the mirror back at Veneer. 


I glared at him, anger flashing in my eyes. He looked like he was off in the clouds. "How the hell are you so unbothered right now Veneer?!" Veneer glanced up at me then back down at his nails once again. "Well, Velvs, she couldn't have necessarily said anything terrible about us." I gripped the edge of the vanity tightly. "And how the hell do you know that??" I snarled. "For all we know she could've said she hated us and could be planning to take all our fame away Veneer." I glared at him through the view of the mirror then look down at the chipped nail polish on my nails.


"I mean honestly Veneer, when are you going to realize this isn't some stupid little game from when we were kids anymore. This random bitch could be planning to do anything at any time. So, snap the hell out of it and get your damn head in the game. Unless you want to lose everything, I've worked so hard for to get us up here?!" It was quiet for a few seconds before he finally responded. "N-no Velvs... you're right I'm sorry..." His voice sounded tight and squeaky, so I looked up at him through the mirror. He had tears pricking his eyes. 


All of a sudden, I was back in my childhood... a memory. Veneer and I were 10. I was watching him yell at Veneer while mom just watched. She never did anything, and never will. My eyes narrowed and I ran over to Veneer, hiding him behind my back. I was always the taller one, never found out why. "What the hell do you think you're doing brat." He said while towering over us. "Leave Veneer alone, he didn't even do anything wrong." I said glaring up at him gritting my teeth. Whack. He backhanded me in my mouth and tears pricked my eyes. I didn't let them spill over; I was used to it by then.


"Let's go Vennie." I spat out while dragging him by the hand to our room at the end of the hall. I slammed the door and dragged Ven over to the lower bunk, his bunk. I climbed up to my bunk, the top one, and grabbed the lollipop I had hidden under my pillow. I tossed the lollipop down to Veneer and climbed down from my bunk.  "B-but sis i-isn't this your l-last o-one..." Ven sniffled between sobs. "Just eat it and quit crying idiot..." I mumbled.


I sat down next to Veneer on the bunk and pulled out my phone. I pulled up one of our favorite music videos and hit play, One of Veneer's favorite mount rageon singers. I felt Ven lean his head against my shoulder. By the time the music video ended Veneer had nodded off and was hugging his stuffy, a monkey named Bananas. I pulled his sheets over him and felt my eyes flash with anger. I hate it here I thought to myself as I climbed up to my top bunk of the bed.


I laid down and hugged my stuffy, a unicorn named missy. I rolled over in bed and whispered down to Vennie. "One day I'll get us out of this shit-hole Ven. We'll be the most famous mount rageons ever. We won't ever have to worry about anything or anyone, I promise." I could feel myself nodding off to sleep. "Just watch me work Vens, watch me work." 


The memory ended there, and I gasped for breath, looked in the mirror and saw that my eyes were pricked with tears and glazed over. "Vel...? Are you okay?" Veneer rushed up to check on me and I quickly wiped my eyes with one hand. Last thing I needed was Veneer seeing me like this. "Yeah, I'm fine." I said while pushing the memory out of my head. "Are you sure Vel?..."


Veneer was standing beside me now and glanced down at my hand. I hadn't even realized I was still gripping the edge vanity. I loosened my grip on the vanity and let go. "It's nothing Ven, don't worry." I stood up from the vanity and shook my hands off. Pushing the last of the memory out of my head, I grabbed Veneer's wrist, flipped my ponytail, and plastered a smile on my face. "Now c'mon, we have an interview to do!" Veneer shrugged it off as I dragged him out the dressing room with me, heading to our interview with Ritz.


💜!! A/N !!💚

Hope you guys enjoyed the second chapter !!

I have drawings coming out on my twitter this week, Vxlswife, so make sure to go check that out!!

Word count :

{1458 words + A/N}

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