off day - tsukiyama

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This is anytime during the show! Tsukishima and Yamaguchi have been dating for a while but they don't really tell people. But the entire team knows and some of their friends from other schools!


Tsukishima was worried. His boyfriend, Yamaguchi hadn't answered his texts. He tried not to think much of it but when it passed the four hour mark he decided to go to his partners home.


The blonde knocked on the door lightly. No one answered and he saw that Yamaguchi's parents cars were not in the driveway, so he pulled out his spare key and unlocked the house.
He slipped of his shoes when he got in and began to make his way to the freckled boy's room. He lightly pushed the door and was met with a curled up Yamaguchi in his green sheets and duvet.
Yamaguchi's room was so homey. He had the glow-in-the-dark stars on his ceiling, grey walls, lots of lamps, strawberry candles, two small book shelves, a queen sized bed with the stuffed animal Tsukishima bought him a couple of years back, and a photo wall full of pictures of him, Tsukishima, and the team.
"Tadishi?" The taller spoke softly.
Yamaguchi sat up. His hair was a bit ruffled, he was wearing one of Tsukishima's green star hoodies and grey sweatpants, he had red, puffy eyes, and he was rubbing his eye with the back of his hand in attempt to take the sleep from his eye.
Tsukishima made his way closer to his boyfriend and as soon as he was a bit closer he noticed Yamaguchi had tear stained checks.
"Whats wrong love?" The middle blocker says as he swiftly walks to the large bed.
All the green haired boy can do is look down. The taller placed his hand on the others check and lifted his face up to where his boyfriend was looking at him.
"Tadishi. Whats wrong?" The blonde says with concern.
"I'm... It's just... It's not really..." Yamaguchi stammers until Tsukishima give him a look. A look that says 'You can tell me. I'm listening.' He then begins to speak. "I'm having a really bad day." He looks down again.
Tsukishima sighs and removes his hand from his love's face. He walks over to one of Yamaguchi's candles and lights it. He then picks up Yamaguchi's favorite vinyl and places it on the green haired boys vinyl player.
He gives his boyfriend another look that says 'Don't worry I will be right back.' as he exits the shorters room. Yamaguchi begins to fidget with is hands as he is feeling anxious and tired.
Not even 5 minutes later the blonde is walking through the door with a water and a plate of different fruits in hand. He walks back to the bed and places the food on the nightstand. He moves the sheets and duvet back so he can get in.
Yamaguchi scoots closer to him still fiddling with his hands.
"Love, do you think you can eat a bit of fruit and drink some water? I'm assuming you haven't eaten anything yet." Tsukishima says
"Yeah. I can." The shorter says, eyes still tired.
"Thank you. Now do you want to talk about whats wrong or would you like to talk about something else?" The blonde questions.
"Can we talk about something else?" Yamaguchi asks.
"Of course Tadishi." Tsukishima says with a sweet reassuring smile. He kissed his boyfriends head and then placed his hand in the green haired boys hand slowly moving his thumb back and forth.
They talked and talked for hours. Tsukishima ended up staying the night and told the team that they won't be making it to the sunday practice. At the end of the day Yamaguchi was feeling better.

Hey guys!! I'm actually going to start being consistent! Though I am a really busy person I'm going to try to upload a story every Thursday, Friday, & Saturday. (There is a possibility I might miss a day or upload a story a little bit earlier in the week!) But, I have you guys enjoyed this story! Please leave constructive criticism if you have any in the comments! Apologies if this was short I wasn't quite sure how I should write some things! And leave ships with headcanons so I can write a story with your headcanons in them! Until then I hope you have an amazing rest of your day!
Star signing off...

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