the bus ride home - iwaoi

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     This is anytime during high school. The boys are dating and the team knows but they have never been 'lovey dovey' if you will. They are in the second set of the tournament Aoba Johsai at 19 Nekoma at 15.


A perfect set. Straight to his best friend.
"Iwa! That one is yours!" Oikawa yells. The shorter is at the end of his approach and jumps. He doesn't have any blockers on him it's going to be perfect. He swings his arm making amazing contact with the the ball. It slams down on the other side. Yaku, Nekoma's libero so close to saving the ball.
"Good set crappy-Kawa" Iwaizumi calls out.
     Aoba Johsai rotates to the next rotation. It now being the team captains turn to serve. The crowd starts to cheer for him. He tosses the ball up and begins his approach for his jump serve.
     A service ace. And another. Kuroo recived Oikawa's third serve. The pass going to Kenma and his set going to their middle, Lev. He found a hole in Kindichi's block and slammed the ball down. Watari not able to get to the ball.
     22 - 16. It now being Inuoka's time to serve. He tosses the ball and slams it to the other side of the court. Oikawa receiving the ball. Some players on Nekoma have to do a double take. The setter got the first ball. Watari rushing to the front gaining momentum and jumping right before the attack line. He sets the ball for the setter who is now jumping without any blockers on him. Once the ball is in the air directly in front of him he snaps the ball down. Nekoma's blockers with wide eyes.
     Kuroo's turn to serve. He gets four service aces. making the score 23 - 20. Watari finally gets the ball. The pass going straight to the setter. Oikawa not knowing who would absolutely get the ball over. He set it to Iwaizumi. He slams it down in between the blockers.
     "Come one Iwa! Game point." Oikawa yells.
     Iwaizumi walks to the back line. He bounces the ball a couple of times then tosses the ball once he makes contact the ball floats over the net dropping right in the middle of the court.
     The crowd whistles, claps, and cheers for Aoba Johsai. The males cheer and say good job's and great game's to each other as they begin to head to the changing rooms.
     Oikawa following the other males slightly lagging. Iwaizumi notices but, tries not to think much of it. Once they make it to the changing rooms Oikawa tries to pull off his shirt but struggles because of his shirt sticking to his body because of his sweat.
     "Here." Iwaizumi helps his captain take his shirt off. "Hey, you did great Kawa." he whispers so that only Oikawa can hear him.
     "Thanks. I'm really tired." Oikawa says as he starts to dry off his back so that he can put on his t-shirt.
     "I know." Iwaizumi softly smiles at his worn out possibly close to burn out boyfriend. "Your moles are adorable." Iwaizumi mutters once he catches a glimpse of his best friend chest.
     "Thank you." Oikawa smiles softly, slightly blushing. As he continues to put his shirt on.
     Once everyone is dressed Aoba Johsai begins to walk out towards the bus. Oikawa still lagging a bit. Iwaizumi falls back with him.
     "Hey, come on we're almost at the bus, Baby." Iwaizumi slips his hand around Oikawa's waist softly guiding him to the bus giving him more stability.
     Oikawa blushes from the actions of his lover. They didn't usually use their pet names in public let alone touch each other even though its one of their love languages. It wasn't like the team could hear them anyway. So what did it matter?
     "Thank you honey." Oikawa says as they arrive to the bus.
     "Guys move out of the way me and Kawa are sitting in the back." Iwaizumi makes clear to the team. There are a few groans but he doesn't care. The aces hand moves to Oikawa's back as he steps into the bus.


     Once everyone was settled and seated the bus began to move. It was 9:46 and it took two hours and thirty minutes to get back home.
     "Iwa can you ask them to turn the air conditioner down? I'm cold now." Oikawa whines softly.
     "Here." The co-captain hands his hoodie to his boyfriend. Then digs around in his bag and gets his best friend's favorite blanket that he leaves at Iwaizumi's house. He covers them both up softly pulling the smaller into him.
     "I think I've got burn out, Iwa." Oikawa whispers as if It's something to be embarrassed of.
     "And that's alright, love." The spiker reassures his boyfriend. "I'll talk to coach about letting you off for a few practices."
     "That would be really nice. Thank you honey." The setter says. Oikawa sighs and snuggles into his boyfriend.
     "So, did you enjoy playing against them?" Iwaizumi asks.
     "Yeah I did. Though they are a good team. They were really good at coordinating. They have great team skills." He starts, replaying the game in his head. "Their setter, middles, and libero stood out to me though."
     "Yeah, their setter is so unpredictable. His setter dumps were really good. Both the middles were good but the taller one wasn't the best at defense but he has the height. And Kuroo was as good as usual. The Libero was better today. He got more digs on us." Iwaizumi says.
     "Yeah, but we did really good today." Oikawa starts "I mean, I could've done better. But, I honestly think we looked like a team today."
     "You did amazing Kawa." Iwaizumi counters a previous statement. The shorter sliding his hand into the setter's hand.
     "You did amazing too, honey." The captain says sweetly. Softly squeezing his best friend's hand three times in a way to say 'I love you'.
     "I love you too, baby." Hajime admires his favorite person that is snuggled into his shoulder. "You're beautiful."
     Oikawa looks up and grins at his childhood best friend. "You're really handsome. Especially when you're super sweaty and you take your shirt off after a ga-" Iwaizumi uses his free hand to cover Oikawas mouth.
     "Oikawa. Our entire team in on this bus." Iwaizumi says slightly embarrassed.
     Oikawa giggles. And then, he licks his hand to make Iwaizumi move his hand. In which he does move his hand.
     "Okay, okay I'll stop" He giggles and then, he starts again, "Can you just take me to your house instead of dropping me off? Mom and dad aren't going to be home and its friday." He says pleadingly.
     "Yeah, of course baby. Hot chocolate, alien movies, and cuddles?" The ace questions.
     "Yes please!" The taller of the two says and then he snuggles into his lover. "Now, I love you but I am going to sleep for the rest of the bus ride home."
     Iwaizumi chuckles. "Alright baby."
     The boys sat there in silence. Oikawa asleep cuddled up into the shorter and Iwaizumi scrolling away on his phone softly caressing his lover.


     "Did you get that on camera Mattsun?" Maki asks.
     "Yes. Its already in the blackmail folder." The brown haired boy replies.
     "Good. See you tomorrow" The pink haired boy says. The other nodding at him as they part ways.

     I hope you guys enjoy this story! It was longer than my others! Give me any constructive criticism in the comments if you have any! I apologize for not publishing any stories in the last two days but I will try to publish two more today to keep up! I hope you have an amazing day! I hope you guys are enjoying my stories! Leave any ships, headcanons or plots you would like to see me write! Later today!
Star signing off...

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