Chapter Four: Emmett

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Me and Lylah had left the bakery, and I followed her back to her place. When she asked me about what I did, I knew I couldn't tell her. Even if I did, would she believe me? When I was dating, I would tell whoever I was with that I was part of a royal family, and they would be more interested in the fact that our family has properties in certain countries, or it was the money they were interested in. My father didn't like that I was dating outside of royalty, but I had come to find out that he had done the same thing when he was young. I don't understand because he married my mum and she was able to accept her new role as queen. Another example would be Charles and Diana, although she had a high status in society. Also, Kate and William, she came from a middle-class family that was doing well, and she is now part of a royal family.

There was a knock on the widow, I looked up, and Lylah was standing outside of my door. I didn't realize that I parked and was still in the car. I shut the car off and got out.

"Sorry I had zoned out."

"It's okay. You looked like you were having a very deep thought." She said, laughing a little bit. She turned around and started walking out of the parking garage and then up a few stairs and down a small pathway.

"So is there anything crazy I should expect?" I ask, to see if I'm keeping her on her toes. All she did was let out another laugh and her keys.

"Such as?" She asked as we walked up to the door.

"I don't know, I don't know what Americans keep in their homes."

She opened the door and stepped in. "Oh, let me make sure that my stripper pole, bongs, and cooking tools are put away." She said, tapping her nose and then letting out another laugh.

I followed behind her, and she closed the door. I looked around her apartment, and I didn't know what she was going to have to clean because it was already spotless. I can see a record player in the corner with records on the shelves and two party globes on each side of the record player. She had art and pictures on her sage colored walls, a black round table had a vase of roses on it, it's cozy and inviting, sometimes you can tell if a home is inviting or not.

"Looks pretty normal." I say as I walk over to her records.

"Sorry to disappoint." 

I smiled and looked over at her. "I hope you know that I was joking."

"Yes, I knew you were joking, although you're not wrong."

"So, there is a stripper pole in here but just out of sight?" Why did I just say that? I wanted to slap myself. I scrunched my face and closed my eyes; she couldn't see the face I was making luckily. Now I think she'll ask me to leave. 

"There is no stripper pole and no breaking bad tools here, just a bong or two, and if it were someone else who had said that to me, they would have been out of here."

I heard a cabinet close, and I looked at her, and she looked at me.

"And you haven't kicked me out because?" Nice Emmett, now you're going to give her a reason to kick you out. Why can't I keep my mouth shut.

"Because you're not someone who I'm used to, plus you have an accent." She then opened the cabinet door and pulled out some baking ingredients. "Where are my manners at? Would you like something to drink?"

"I'm fine for now, thanks." I say as I pick up a record. "When did you start collecting records?"

"When I was in high school, my grandpa collected records too and he had a lot of them that he accumulated over the years, and I was able to get some of his after he passed away."

"I'm sorry for your loss."

"Thank you." She looked down at my hands. "Are you going to put it on or just keep it in your hands?"

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