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Slightly Edited


"And that just leads to the part where we parted, he was a really sweet guy

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"And that just leads to the part where we parted, he was a really sweet guy." I said, taking a sip of my wine.

"Oh," they said simultaneously.

I shrugged as I took a bite of green beans. Daniel really threw down in the kitchen, but I will never tell him that.

Shit, for a white man, he sure as hell knows how to season his meat.

Not that meat, nasty ass.

Now that I think about it, all the boys got a little seasoning to them with their fine asses.

I wonder how good they di—

"Angel, did you hear me?" Daniel asked, his southern accent coming through.

"Nah, what'd you say? I wasn't paying attention," I said, rubbing my eyes.

"Don't worry about it, ma, you're tired. Just finish your food, and I'ma take you to bed."

Don't y'all just love a man who cares for you?


I yawn as I stood up, bones cracking in the process.

"Damn, that shit sounded like it hurt." Richard chuckled.

I smack my lips popping him upside his forehead, as I grab my phone walking past him and upstairs.


I looked down seeing a message from Steven a smile lifting my face as I glanced at his message.

Steven: "I hope you had fun today. I sure did, and I would like to take you out on another date. Connect on a more deeper level, than we did today."

Sariah: "It was perfect, I had so much fun conversing with you about our favorite books and stuff, so I guess another date doesn't sound so bad."

Steven: "Alright knowing you are a bus woman, we can have out next date whenever you are free,"

Sariah: "Okay, I am going to go to bed though. That date tired my ass out, night Steven."

Steven: "Night, Bella,"

Shutting my phone off, I pulled the cover over me sighing as I relaxed into the mattress.

"Night, love."

"Night, baby."

"Night, Angel."

They all bent down and gave me a kiss on my cheek. I smiled, yawning a bit.

"Y'all sleeping over?" I asked as they were about to walk out.

"Do you want us to?" Richard asked.

I nodded, too tired to respond. "Alright, baby, well get some sleep; we'll be down the hall," Asher said.

They turned the light off and closed my door, and I drifted off to sleep, thinking about Jin and all his fine glory from BTS.


I looked through Sariah's snack cabinet to find no more Capri Suns. I groaned, closing the door and heading to the fridge, grabbing a Hi-C juice box.

"Guys, we need to go to the store; she's out of CapriSuns."

"I wonder why," Asher muttered.

I sent him a glare. "Speak up, bitch, I can't hear you."

"I said, I wonder why," he said more loudly.

His voice echoed off Sariah's walls, cascading over the eerie quiet but serene apartment.

We all paused, scared that we might of woken her up. One thing about Sariah is she don't play about her sleep.

Daniel sat shaking his head, looking at his phone. I just mean mugged Asher as I walked away towards Sariah's arcade room.

The best game she has in here is Street Fighter; I love that game so much.

I love Sariah, but Chun-Li is bae. For now, I think...

'K.O. KEN,' the machine shouted as I tapped ferociously fast on the green button, handing out whoopins.

Biting my lip in anticipation, sweat beads forming on my forehead, I multitask pressing the blue, red, and green. There was only one fighter left, and he was the toughest out of everybody on his team.

Shin Akuma.

Feeling time growing thin, I clicked my heart away on the green button...

5... 4... 3... 2... 1...


I whooped in joy at my victory; that was a long-ass game, and now I am tired...

Rubbing my stomach, I head out to the living room, seeing the guys knocked out on the couch.

I head to the kitchen to grab a quick snack before going to Sariah's room and throwing myself on her bed.

"Richard, why?" she groaned.

"Because I missed you, mommy, and I'm all alone," I said in a baby tone, grabbing her small waist from behind.

I pulled her closer to me, enjoying the close proximity shared between us. "Alright, don't make too much noise and don't do anything stupid; goodnight, Richard," she yawned.

I released a small yawn as I felt my eyes drooping.

"Alright, well, I'm gonna go change, and then I will be back, mama," I said as I kissed her cheek and got up.

Heading to my bedroom, I changed into a white wife-beater and black basketball shorts with my white Nike socks before heading back to my baby's room.

She was now facing where I was laying a couple of minutes ago. I climbed in beside her as she opened her arms wide and engulfed me in a tight hug, her cherry blossom perfume wafting in my nose as she ran her fingers through my locks.

"Goodnight, Richie."

"Goodnight, mama."

And with that, we dozed off together in each other's arms...

𝑷𝑹𝑨𝑪𝑻𝑰𝑪𝑬 𝑳𝑶𝑽𝑬 (𝟏𝟖+)Where stories live. Discover now