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You left me
I felt you
But i couldn't feel myself
When you told me we aren't forever And left with a caress

I waited and waited
For you to come back
I knew you wouldn't
But You were my eye's lamp

And i know you don't care
But that doesn't means I don't
Life is just that unfair

I couldn't wait to get married
And i thought you couldn't too
But everything was a lie
thought of it still makes me blue

I couldn't wait for that future
The future that didn't exist
i thought it would last forever
But it was just a myth

it wasn't my fault you left
Cuz it's was still you
My heart that you theft

The heart that thought of the future
Future that was all day
Cuz if night had begun
My conscious would say
Wake up darling
He is only gonna play

                                       ~Quinn Neerlv

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