chapter two: him

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I never knew why she never fully smiled or why she never talked much. She seemed like a kind person, but was to afraid to show affection. My thoughts wonder on as I lay in bed looking at my stained shirt. I mean, did she have to pour it on me today? A Monday morning in my favorite shirt? I roll my eyes and tug at the duvet cover. My eyes were weary and dark, but I just couldn't seem to sleep. She gave me quick smiles today showing she wasn't completely angry at me, but I felt bad. I know she pushed herself to do that. To smile like she was happy. She might be a happy person outside of the office, but it never seemed like it when I saw her walk home. She gathered up her things without talking to anyone and just kind of, well left. I closed my eyes and began to drift to sleep.

Barely awake, my arm had hit something off of my nightstand making me jump in shock. I had looked over to see my phone shattered on my hardwood floors. I rolled back over and looked out the window. Rain drizzled down and I got up to get ready for work. I groaned as my back popped and I cracked my knuckles. Slowly tugging on my suit and fixing my hair was as dull as most of my mornings were, but I was going to talk to her today. I was going to show someone in the office cares.

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