10 • How Can I Unlearn to Love you?

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How can I unlearn to love you?
When all you did was building an invincible mansion in my poor gullible heart.
I know I got a bit delusional, but you made yourself comfortable in here and made me think it was all perfect.
You sent my mind to the wildest edge; I can't believe I was building castles in the air all that long and I can't forget,
The love you trampled
The trust you broke
The faith you shattered and
The care you ignored.
You made me feel so worthless; you had turned me into a little obsequious slave.

How can I unlearn to love you?
When you cast a spell on me;
I don't see no man but you,
I don't know how to love if it ain't you.
My cheeks don't know how to blush to sweet nothings that ain't whispered from your luscious lips.
My eyes don't know how to glow for any man, that ain't you.
And how I'm I supposed to figure this out when my mind is hellbent to unlearn loving you,
But my heart, too fragile to let herself be hurt by walking out on someone she truly loves.
Teach me how to let go
Before losing myself in the process;
Heroin overdose
Tequila shots
How can I unlearn to love you?

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