Chapter One - The Girl With The White Hair

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I saw her. The girl with white hair.

I was taking a walk in the rain when I came across a tea shop. I decided to go in to dry off and warm up. I sat down at a small round table by the window and ordered some spice tea, then I took a sip and glanced out the window. That is when I saw her. Clear umbrella, red trench coat, black high heel shoes, pale skin, and her long, pure, snow white hair swirling in the wind behind her.

"Who. Is. That? She's breathtaking. You know her?" Came a voice from the seat across from me. I turned to see a strange guy sitting there sipping a strange colored drink.

"She just looked familiar, that's all." I answered awkwardly.

The stranger slurped up the end of his drink, creating the most annoying sound. He then set his empty cup down and interlaced his fingers together all while grinning from ear to ear.

"What do you want?" I asked curiously with slight annoyance in my voice.

"That's awfully rude to say to your new best friend." The stranger joked. "I'm Benjamin Blake by the way. Call me Ben." He held out his hand for me to shake. I reached out my hand in his direction.

"Luke Morgan." I replied while shaking his hand.

To me this whole situation was extremely bizarre. I see a girl with white hair that looked so familiar but I could not put my finger on where I knew her from and this strange guy who wants to be my friend. All I wanted was to go for a simple quiet walk and get a warm drink. It was cold and rainy the whole week but I felt that I should get out more so I went for a walk in the city.

"It's nice to meet you. What are you drinking?" Ben asked. He then waved over a waitress and ordered another drink.

"Cinnamon tea. Why exactly are you being all buddy-buddy with me?" I asked curiously leaning forward slightly.

His expression changed from a happy looking one to serious quickly. What is this persons deal?

"Listen....I need something...."He was interrupted by the bells hitting on the door. It was loud and you could tell the person opening the door was not being gentle.

I turned around to see what all the commotion was and saw the white haired girl had walked in. She looked like she was in a really bad argument with someone.

She sat down at the table behind Benjamin and took off her coat revealing a short flowy black dress. A waiter came to deliver Ben his drink he ordered, then the waiter went over to the girl. His face brightened when he saw her.

"What would you like?" The waiter asked. I found the waiter slightly annoying to me. He came across as a really over peppy person and I have never really got along with those types of people.

She adjusted the salt and pepper on the table and looked up at the waiter with a forced smile.

"The manager please. Thanks Arik." She then went back to adjusting the table's contents.

"He just stepped out, but he'll be back." The waiter replied. He looked as if he wanted to say something to her.

She just nodded.

"When you see him, tell him that Ren says its urgent."

The waiter then left to find the manager and soon after a man with dark hair and vibrant blue eyes came out and sat down across from the girl.

"What's so urgent Ren?" He asked. The man grabbed Ren's hands and held them in his.

"How was the funereal?"

She looked down and a tear dripped onto the table.

"I saw Oliver there... and his brother Pete. It was nice seeing them." She looked as if sweet but bitter memories rushed to her all at once. Then she burst into tears and the man tried to comfort her. After a few minutes she then began to calm down and stood up from her seat.

"Thank you Logan. Its just... I can't believe my only family is gone. I mean seriously... he raised me for Pete's sake!" Another tear fell down her cheek.

"I should get going."

She grabbed her coat and umbrella and walked away.

"Mom said you're invited to dinner!" Logan yelled after her. She turned towards him and smiled a weak smile and pushed open the door. I didn't know what to do at that point. I was just really intrigued by that girl. So I did what any person who has a interest in someone does.

"Excuse me. Who is she?" I asked the manager.

The man was a little startled by the random question, but answered.

"She's my cousin. Not by blood, but cousin nonetheless."

I need to know more about her. Who is this mysterious familiar person?

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