Chapter Two - The Mysterious Ren Kallen

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"What's her name?" I asked the man.

"Ren Kallen." He replied. The man then turned to leave and Ben (the stranger I met only a few minutes before) spoke up.

"Why are you so interested in that girl?" Ben asked, leaning in closer so no one heard what we were talking about.

"I... I'm not sure. She... she's familiar for some reason." I looked for the correct words to say. But I couldn't describe my interest. It felt like I knew her somehow. Like we were friends once. Or more than friends.

Ben nodded his head as if he understood.

"Ok. So what are you gonna do now?" He asked.

"How should I know? I only just found out her name. I haven't even met her yet!" I ran my fingers through my brown hair and took another sip of my tea.

"Weren't you saying something?" I asked Ben.

I remember him almost telling me something, but he didn't finish what he was going to say.

"Oh yeah. Forget it. It seems like Fate won't let me anyway." He pushed the question aside and got up from his seat.

I looked at him puzzled. I'm confused. What does he mean by that?

I was about to ask him what he meant by that but he was already gone when I looked back up.


(Ren Kallen)

"Sakura?.. Why does this always happen to the people I care about?" I asked my roommate. Even though me and her already knew the reason.

I looked miserable sitting in my pajamas on the couch crying. Sakura mad me sit and spill out my feelings to her. I love her so much. But I don't really feel like it's right for me to be sad. After all, it is my fault that he died.

He, as in the man who raised me. Who saved me from the others who tried to experiment on me. The man who, even though I was a danger to him, he still cared if I was in pain. The man who made me who I am today.

"Ren darling, give your big sister a hug." Sakura held out her arms, tears on the edge of falling from her bubbly, brown eyes. I scooted into her arms and we both sobbed for a few moments. At least until Daisy came home.

"I'm home guys!" She yelled as she threw her bag onto the table and took off her coat.

I got up from the couch and went over to Daisy and hugged her. She was kind if taken aback.

"Ren sweetie, your tired. You should go to sleep." Daisy was on the verge of tears. You could hear it in her voice as she spoke.

"Ok." I agreed as I pulled away from the hug.

"Good night, you guys."

I grabbed my purple blanket from off the couch and dragged it up the stairs.


The next morning I got dressed into my work uniform and walked to a very fancy restaurant where I work.

"Good morning, Ren." Greeted my boss as I walked in.

"Morning." I smiled back.

After the greetings I walked to the bathroom and washed my hands. I turned off the water and sighed. Wow, what a rough night. All those emotions really tired me out. I looked into the gold trimmed mirror and noticed my bun was falling out. I unwrapped the rubber band and let my hair fall down onto my shoulders.

Time to get to work now.


Work was long. From 5:00am to 9:00pm. That's 16 hours of work for five days, that makes it.... roughly 80 hours a week.

I walk to the subway station and board the train. The train was not packed, but it did have quite a few people on it.

"Pardon me." I apologized as I pushed my way through the people. I finally found a seat and sat down to a handsome man in a grey suit. I nodded towards him as if acknowledging his presence. And he nodded in return.

It is very awkward sitting next to someone so beautiful. It makes you feel like you even less then you already are.

"Your a very pretty young lady." Said an old man standing in front of me.

I looked up and smiled.

"Thank you."

It made me feel like a horrible person making the old man stand, so I stood up and offered him the seat.

"Pretty and kind. Thank you." The old man flattered.

It's so nice to see someone with manners and human decency around here. I smiled once more at the man and grabbed hold of the bar before the train stopped, but only slightly too late. My hand slipped and I fell forwards, onto the guy in the grey suit's lap.

"Oh! I'm so sorry!" I bowed and apologized so many times, hoping he would forgive me.

"It's fine." He chuckled, amused by the situation.

"I'm still terribly sorry." I say.

The train then stopped, some people got off and more got on. Among them was a man who I have seen before, but cannot remember where. Was it yesterday? At the cafe perhaps? The strange person that kept staring at me?

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: May 30, 2019 ⏰

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