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Draco Malfoy

When I tried to open my eyes I didn't knew how much time has passed because I was lying in the hospital wing on a bed with white sheets and covers.

My vision was blurry I still wanted to close my eyes and rest, because my ribs were aching from pain.

The smell was so sterile, it made me want to cough. I tried to get comfortable but I still couldn't move much. My head was still foggy, like there was a heavy veil on it.

I could see Pucey on one side and Jones walking away on the other.

She was here? She was here to see me?

I couldn't move, I closed my eyes again, sinking into the mattress, as I felt Pucey walk away too.

Why didn't she stay? was she worried about me?

My eyes closed by themselves, and I could already feel the fatigue take its hold, I was so tired.

My vision got foggier and I felt myself drifting back into that hazy state, between wakefulness and sleep.

"Malfoy?" I hear her voice and I open my eyes, I'm still on the hospital bed, she was sitting on the bed besides my torso, everything around seems to be washed out in bright white light expect for her.

Fucking great I'm dreaming again.

I groan softly, my eyes still blurry. I felt her fingers on my cheek.

"Are you awake?" she asks, her voice was soft.

"Jones?" I murmur "you came here?" I ask, and even if this is only a fake dream, hearing her name from my mouth makes my heart jump in my chest even if it's for the worst possible reason.

She nods "I came right away" she looks down at my chest while still stroking my forehead with her fingers.

My heart jumped in my chest again, my vision suddenly clear, as I see the way her hands are touching me and the way she is leaning over right beside me.

I feel the urge to touch her, to grab her arm to pull her closer to me.
"Why?" the words came out of my lips rather roughly.

"Why do you think?" she replies "You're hurt." still stroking my cheek with her soft hands as though she's reassuring me.

My breath hitches, I want her so bad, this is a dream, this isn't real right?

"Yeah but," I start to speak but my throat catches up with me, I swallow hard and try to talk again."Don't you have Brooks to be with"

She raises an eyebrow and shakes her head, her gaze fixed on my lips "are you jealous Malfoy?" she smirks which annoys my heart which feels like it's about to leap out of my chest.

"Jealous? no" I snap, my eyebrows furrowed, my hands balled up in my fists "What would I have to be jealous of" Jones seems taken aback by my tone.

You idiot what are you doing

She raises her eyebrow and stares me up and down "You sure look like you are" she says, "I mean, you are here lying on a hospital bed, all bruised up and broken and I'm sitting beside you".

My mouth opens to say something but my mind is blank, my mouth stays open for a few moments but the words just won't come out.

All I could do was stare back at her, my heart is racing, it's like she's taunting me and I feel like throwing myself at her.

"I mean look at you" she chuckles " you look like you're jealous"

I growl at her reply and instead of letting her see my anger, I try to suppress it and give her my best smile.
"What's there to be jealous of Jones?" I say my voice as calm as I can make it, "Are you telling me there is really something going on between you and him?"

Malfoy | Draco Malfoy [Book1](Unedited!)Where stories live. Discover now