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Draco Malfoy

"I told her you might visit her so stop being a cry baby and go," Nicolas says to me as soon as I entered the manor.

"I know, I'm thinking about it" I replied.

He rolls his eyes "You all are so dramatic, did you alert the order members at the location? They should be out before the attack is initiated," he says.

"Yes, I informed all the members at the location and they agreed to evacuate and set up a defensive barrier with the surrounding area", I respond.

"Good, it's about time those useless idiots learned to do somethings on their own." He say and sits down in his chair "Now you can go meet with your ex-girlfriend, you're work here is done for now"

"I said I'm thinking about it" I replied

"Well make your goddamn mind up then," he says and I know he's right.

Why can't I make my mind up? I want to meet her obviously but it's just hard.

I ignore him and went to my room, upstairs. The image of her waking up in my bed flashes in my mind, making me sigh

"Why does it have to be like this" I thought to myself, sitting down on my bed. I felt something inside of me break when I saw her sleeping in my bed and when she woke up in my arms.

The memory is enough to send my heart into overdrive and my fists clenching. No matter what it was a happy and perfect for few moments.

Eventually I did find myself Apparating in front of the cabin at night. My heart pounding in my ears. Don't give her hopes I can't give her hope to think that it can be all okay if we are to get back together because it wouldn't be okay at all.

I have no idea how the war will end, if dark lord wins, I promised her mother, I will let her go. I'll make her forget about me. About us. About everything she knows about wizarding world and let her mother sent her to the muggle world. Somewhere safe

I didn't think it would be this hard to keep her safe from the danger I'm dragging her into. I should have listened to her mother in the first place, but I was too arrogant, too selfish.

I take a deep breath before reaching out unlocking the door by the spell and gently opening it

I slip in and close the door behind me. I took few steps and before I could take in a breath in I saw her in the kitchen behind the counter with a bowl in one hand and a spatula in one.

Her brown hair falling over her face, I watch as her head turned and her eyes widened at the sight of me.

"Draco..." She lets out a breath as if she was expecting for me to not show up. Which she had every right to.

"Thea" I walked over standing on the other side of the counter "Are you okay?"

She looks at me and then away, setting the spatula and bowl down and wipes her hands on the cloth that had been in her back pocket."I'm fine," she says, I take notice of her dark circles."Why did you come anyways,"

"I just wanted to see you" I say, leaning against the counter. "Just wanted to see if you're doing okay"

She looked away, a faint scowl on her lips, she said, "I thought you being close with me was a danger to me"

"It is," I say, "You're right, I'm putting you in danger by coming here and it would be safer if I stay away, you have to understand that,"

"But you came anyways" she says, I bite back my tongue, she's right. But then she's always been right about most things. We used to argue a lot about that.

Malfoy | Draco Malfoy [Book1](Unedited!)Where stories live. Discover now