Part 1 - The Dream

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She visits me in a dream. Isis stands amongst an endless field of reeds. The goddess wears two cow horns on either side of a disk like a crown and she is robed in a kalasiris: a tight-fitting sheath dress.

The sky is blue and cloudless. A slight breeze sways the reeds, the spiky heads scratching at my sides. This is not my home in Alexandria. I am in A'aru; The Field of Reeds. I place my hand on my swollen stomach. I should not be here. I cannot. The gods finally graced us with a child...

'Oh, goddess of fertility and motherhood! Have I died? And what of my child? I am not ready!'

Isis smiles and the field of reeds shimmer like a mirage. The goddess' arms transform into large shimmering wings. The wings envelope me and my unborn child like a protective shield. The goddess does not speak, but when I wake, sweat coating my forehead, the message from my dream is clear: A danger comes. The life of my unborn child is at stake.

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