~Chapter one~

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It started out a normal day:I woke up; got out of bed; washed my face; had a shower keeping my hair dry and shaved my legs so I could go downstairs for breakfast. I wasn't really a morning person so I was a bit reluctant. I started to walk down stairs and noticed the light on maybe their was a thief or I forgot to turn the light off. 

To my surprise my whole family was already awake and stared at me wide eyes when I walked into the kitchen. I bet they looked at me that way because I looked like a slob but there was no point getting ready ready because normally I go down to a empty house and make breakfast myself so I was surprised. At least we weren't getting robbed because I would have died I'm terrible at self defence and had no weapon. I'm so intelligent.

I didn't even think about my parents in a morning and as bad as it sounds I don't think they thought about me either. Not that they are bad parents they just trust me a hell of a lot. I'm pretty glad about this cause it means I can do whatever I want. This usually involves Netflix dates with my favourite ice cream. They know I would never throw parties cause I'm not that type of girl anymore. And I never will be again...

I just stopped in my tracks when my mum said,"morning hun want some breakfast," as she put down her tea and stretched. My dad reading a newspaper article on the front of the boring old newspaper we got everyday. I know that nothing exciting ever happens so I don't know why he even reads it. I guess it's just a way to make our boring every day lives that little bit more interesting.

He was wearing a suit and scraped back thin black her to the side of his head looking very smart for a job interview most likely. Small grey patches of hair were starting to show on the sides of his head making him look older than he actually was.

My mum wearing her thin flower printed pyjamas with a bed head throughout her thick, Curley dark brown hair. She was genuinely very pretty and didn't wear much makeup even when she got ready.

She had a identical twin sister who occasionally lived with us when she visited Australia, stopping in the spare room. Even though I'm Australian my mum and dad are both British and proud. They always cook proper British meals when my friends visit making them envy my life. I don't know why though I hate it apart from the food.

I personally am an only child so had no brothers or sisters to worry about but I was the complete opposite to my parents that had dark features: including hair;tan skin:brown and hazel eyes, but I had blue eyes; pale skin with a few beauty spots and long light brown hair. No one knew why, but I guess I've always stood out as a weird child. Me and my dad have this joke were we say my mum had an affair with an alien. This isn't surprising considering the way I act.

Cause my mum making me breakfast didn't happen very often I felt cheeky and tested my luck by suddenly asking "please can I have a coffee to wake me up and a bacon sandwich?" Standing with puppy dog eyes she said yes and I asked her to take it upstairs to me as well while I got ready. This would mean I would have more time to make myself look at least representable.

Before she could do anything about it I was already upstairs trying to look descent but then I realised it was the first day of school and I was going to be going with Ashton so I would have to be extra quick. I turned on some music and Good Charlotte started blasting from my speakers. I tried not to sing along because it would distract me and I wouldn't be able to concentrate. Ashton wouldn't be able to wait for me forever and I wouldn't want to make him be late for the first day. Who knows what could happen today?

I quickly looked in my mirror and did simple makeup. Foundation, concealer, mascara and a little bit of my favourite lip balm which was tinted a rosy red. I don't say spend too much time on makeup, because I don't see the point. I never wear eyeliner because I can never get the perfect cat flick and because I'm a perfectionist this isn't good enough. Next, i stood up got my straighteners, brush and heat protection spray and did my hair. It was extremely knotty because it was really windy and humid yesterday. Even though my hair wasn't Curley it wasn't straight either and I hated it but my mum always said 'it looks lovely you don't need to do that', but I did because it had kinks and random waves in it. I was always jealous of my friend Beth because her hair always seemed to look perfect.

Forgive Or Regret? - Luke HemmingsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora