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Most people have that one nostalgic place

I have two


Every summer my old 'lil town lets the fire department put up the best fair for miles. The kids are set free from their parents. It's the best kinda chaos. The rides are the best, the smell of cigarettes, beer, sugar, and sadness is everywhere, and the best part? On the last day, everybody comes back, there are fireworks and the sad notion that next year, it won't be the same people and the people that think that kinda stuff has been there their whole life. 60s and stuff. I wanna cry when it ends because every summer that passes means I'm a little bit more sad, withered, and broken.


My real home, Boston. I used to go there every summer, the last week of August. I always loved it there. I'm gonna keep this short but Boston, the cape, Salem? I'm not a tourist it's my home. I despise the tourists that don't appreciate my home the way they should. 

I hate myself, I hate myself. the cuts on my wrist show it. I'm smiling sadly thinking of the abandoned fair ground that sits there, nobody uses it until summer. it's like me. Nodody wants me until they want something out of it.

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