1. The meeting

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Not again.
Not again.
Not again.
The cycle...

I've always been left behind, by Hina, by classmates, even by Chifuyu. I wanted to be someone's everything, for them to want me. I wanted to feel loved. Yes, what he gave me was dangerous but I was needed and he needed me, I think I fell too deep, so deep infact, I don't think I'll ever be able to leave anymore. I'm fine with that though because if he left me.. I think death would be suitable.

"Takemichi, get up."
Chifuyu shook me as I woke up. I rolled over and looked at him, tried eyes sore from crying.

"Fuck, what time is it?"
I asked my throat hoarse and dry. My eyes burnt as I looked around the bright dorm room. The paper is still where I left it last night.

"Too damn late for you to sleep in, get up."
He sounded harsh but I knew he just wanted what was best for me. I sat up and stared blankly at the paper. *That easy for her, huh...* I thought as I stood up and stretched.

"That's the fifth time you read it since the breakup, this isn't healthy for you. Let's go out today."
I groaned and headed to the bathroom.

"I'm serious!"
I closed the door, shutting out his voice. *I'm fine* I thought, looking in the mirror and realizing I looked a mess. *I should shower* I grabbed the towel, opened the shower curtain, and turned the water on.

About 20 minutes later I was all ready to go out, realizing I owed Chifuyu that much.

"I'm glad you're ready! I was worried you wouldn't come.."
Chifuyu put on his coat and handed me one. I took the coat and followed him to the car.

"Where are we going?"
I asked sitting in the passenger seat and shutting the door.

"Well, you know how I have those friends I'm always talking about? Surprise they're a gang! But don't worry they're super chill people and I think they'll cheer you up."
Every word leaving his mouth left me more worried as I shifted, obviously worried. *God, I hope this ends soon.* I thought as I looked out the car window.

After a bit or so of driving, we stopped in front of this huge house.

"Wtf this is huge" I mumbled as Chifuyu replied, "Yeah, the leader is one of the richest people in Japan."
I stared at him dumbfounded as we both got out and walked to the door. Chifuyu knocked and a tall man with black long hair answered.

"Chifuyu!" The black-haired man exclaimed and led me and Chifuyu inside to a sitting area with about 3 other people.

"Hey guys!"
Chifuyu greeted them as I stood behind him, intimidated by the tall, gang-looking men, although one stood out. He was very attractive.

"This is my dorm mate, Takemichi."
Chifuyu introduced me as everyone welcomed me.

"What's up? I'm Draken."
A tall blond-haired man with a braid talked to me first.

"The one who let you in is Baji, the one with purple hair is Mitsuya, and on the couch is Mikey, the leader." *Mikey..* as I thought that Mikey's eyes locked onto me, feeling as though something dangerous was about to trap me whole. As a shiver ran through my body Mikey jumped up and smiled.

"Is he a new member?!"
Mikey exclaimed as he pulled me out from behind Chifuyu and looked at me before turning away a bit, a little red. *He's only a little taller than me but he's a gang leader?*

"Mikey, don't scare the dude away already," Draken said grabbing Mikey's shirt.

"Awh, but Ken-chin he's pretty!" Mikey pouted as he looked at Draken.

After a bit of that, I got to know everyone, although I didn't do much of the talking. Mikey had already gotten very comfortable with me, or it seemed as he was clinging onto me as I sat on the couch but every time I looked away, I got that same shivering feeling from earlier, I knew I had gotten into something dangerous by having his attention on me.

"Sorry about him, once he likes someone he doesn't bother to think about how they feel towards personal space."
Draken sighed as Mikey just kept clinging to me, his grip tightening as Draken said that.

"I'm not bothering him! Mitchy is my bitch now!" Mikey pouted as everyone was shocked by the new nickname but mainly at the fact he called me his bitch.

"W-what?!" I asked after a bit of silence
"You're my bitch from now on, I like you." Mikey smiled cheekily as Draken sighed.

"There is no way to help you now, you're trapped." Draken chuckled and everyone else but me and Mikey joined in. *trapped? Was the feeling I got earlier right, or am i overthinking?* I looked at Chifuyu for help but he just looked at me and gave me a sly grin. *Somethings going on..* I thought as I felt a breath on my neck, getting chills through my whole body. As I looked back, Mikey's black eyes were staring at me, it felt like he was going to eat me alive. I looked at his lips and saw a small grin, it felt so taunting, I wanted to give in.

After a few hours, and my arm being sore, me and Chifuyu decided to go back to our dorm.

"Do you have to leave Mitchy?"
Mikey asked, looking a bit down at me, his eyes pleading for me not to go.

"I have classes tomorrow, so yeah, but it was nice meeting you guys. Thanks for having me over."
Chifuyu gave me a grin as we got to the car.

"Someone seemed to like you...", "Shut it Chifuyu, I just broke up with Hina I'm not over her yet.", "Okay, I was just suggesting."
He chuckled as we headed to the dorm.

I didn't get much sleep that night as I laid awake in bed. *Mikey, he was..* I blushed as I thought of the man, turning over and resting my eyes, finally. I slowly drifted into a deep sleep.
I hope you guys enjoy it! I worked hard on this and I think it turned out well, next park will take a bit I believe but I'll try to get it out as soon as possible! C:

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