The line between us (PunkishxReactor)

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"What did you just called me?"

Punkish was trying to talk to Reactor who's sitting on the park bench alone, her tone of voice was definitely not welcoming, and he thought she was going to pierce his soul by the way she glared at him.

"I'm sorry... you having difficulties to sleep again?" He quickly apologized while sitting down next her seamlessly.

"Don't call me Ria, I don't think we're close enough to have nicknames for each other." Reactor has her hand supporting her head, but not quick enough to hide the dark circles under her eyes.

"I guess it's a long day for the photoshoot for twin tail day for Rin modules huh? I heard you guys just end the sessions a while ago." Punkish ignored her negative comebacks.

"Yea, but how did you know about the photo shoot?" Reactor was too tired to call him out.

If she was her usual self, the two will be arguing by now. Even thought if will only be Reactor who is unhappy about the arguing part, Punkish would probably talk to her with a smile like always.

"You told me two days ago when we were chatting, did you forget?" Punkish let out a little laugh. He sounded like even he was a bit tired at the moment to Reactor, but it could just be her own projection.

Punkish gently shoved a can of hot chocolate into her hand, which she didn't even realized he had it all this time. Reactor didn't ask any question and just open the can in silent, then proceed to let out a sigh after she took a sip.

"I can't sleep well for two days in a row. My brain just couldn't stay quiet for one moment. And why is it that every time I felt like an absolute slob of mud, you just happen to be the person that's right beside me? Now I just feel so naked with you knowing the side of me being an uncontrollable jerk."

"I guess having someone always tagging along is a bit annoy to you huh?"

"I just want to be alone. There's no way you don't know, then why do you have to keep following me around?" Reactor held the can in her hand a little bit tighter.

"You don't want other people to see what you are like at this moment, but you can't go home either, isn't that why you stay in the park alone?"

Reactor didn't know what to say, she could only stared at him with her blue eyes.

"Just allow me to help you get back to your usual self, I volunteer as tribute." Punkish smiled with a luring wink.

She has a cute face of Kagamine Rin with two puffy twin tails, but this adorable girl was born from one of the most depressing song. Spending all her energy to be 'normal' in front of others, and hiding all her fragile self to somewhere where nobody knows.

How could he left her hanging like this? Not even bringing the fact that he was in love with her since forever into this.

Punkish took away the hot chocolate and sets it aside. Before Reactor could react, he has already puts her head on his shoulder.

"You didn't even realize you're spacing out. Try to sleep, even if it's just ten minutes."

"What are you doing..."

"If you go home, you are only falling into the same cycle, right? If you end up having a nightmare, I'll wake you up."


"When did I ever lied to you? Just close your eyes and sleep, I'll be here."

Punkish extended his other hand to cover the pair of blue eyes that resist to close. After blocking the source of light, he could feel her body slowly letting go of the tension to relax.

The orange color sky slowly fading into the night, the street lamps lit up to bring light to the dark streets.

Punkish looked at Reactor quietly. Her cold shell wrapping her passionate fire within, only seen to crack when she was singing. Since he only has eyes for her.

"I don't need you..." She whispered something while dreaming, frowning a little bit.

"But I need you."

Punkish answered, without knowing who Reactor was addressing exactly to, maybe he doesn't even exist in her dream.

At the same time, Punkish could feel a flow of warmth from his finger.

He looked down, Reactor's hand is somehow touching his, one of her fingers was even wrapping his finger.

Punkish had to remind himself not to get too excited at the moment. Reactor kept saying they are not that close, but maybe, just maybe, she could feel that they are about the cross the the line of friendship.

Could this be the prove that Reactor is slowly getting close to him?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03 ⏰

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