Chapter Three

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Hey. So, this is back to Kaida's POV. Bet you thought that Kaida was the girl they were all waiting for. Huh? ;) That's just too... cliche. How are you liking Velkin and Merlin? Rivals much? Haha. I love writing this and thanks for reading!

I looked at the shadows cast upon the ground. I had left a few hours after seeing Jaython and making sure that he was okay. I had dinner arrangements with my father and he was late which was unlike him. Normally he was always on time. What was going on?

I sighed and looked around impatiently. Where was he? We were going to be late and as we were meeting with the fey, that was not a good thing. We were to discuss my wedding arrangements despite my many protests. I was only sixteen. Er, almost. I still had a week. But that was what life was like here. All rush. We had to grow up fast.

I paced anxiously, fidgetting with my dress. It had been premade and, if I was being completely honest, wasn't horrible. Not that I'd ever admit it. It was still a dress and I'd much rather wear pants and a tunic. But i didn't get a choice.

"Kaida?" A voice behind me called. I turned around rather quickly, my hand reaching for my knife. But there was no need for it. It was only one of the palace guards. Edric.

"Oh. Hi, Edric. Is something wrong?" I asked, looking at him curiously. He looked slightly nervous and was wringing his hands. But that was nothing new. With his mousey brown hair and watery blue eyes, Edric always looked nervous.

"Yes, m'lady. Your father is not able to attend the dinner. Something has come up," he said, his voice barely more than a whisper. That was strange. My father never cancelled dinner plans. Especially not ones this important. He was meeting with the queen of the fey after all...

"Why? What has come up? And do not lie to me, Edric," I said, seeing the hesitation in his eyes. I may not have been as good as my father at intimidation, but I did well enough.

"M'lady, I don't know what's come up. I'm sorry," he muttered, not meeting my eyes. I sensed that he knew more than he was telling, but I did not bother to pry.

"Very well. I do hope that you aren't lying to me, Edric. I'm not as quick as my father to draw my blade, but I draw it quickly with liars," I said, my voice sounding not like my own. I sounded stronger and more in control that ever before.

"Y-yes, Kaida," Edric stuttered as he left quickly. I sighed and stared down at the dress that I was wearing. This had been a waste.

It was starting to get late, the sun swiftly setting and disappearing behind the tall mountains. Father had probably already notified the fey queen about our inability to attend the dinner so I decided to head inside and get changed.

I quickly entered the large building and headed to my chambers located near the back of the buidling. My footsteps echoed around ominously and I was surprised to see nobody else aside from the occasional serving maid and they just bowed their heads at me and left. What was going on?

I arrived at the door of my chambers rather quickly as there wasn't anyone to block my path. I quickly entered and walked over to my dresser where I pulled out my hunting clothing. I had three identical outfits that Father had made for me. He had trained me to fight.

I pulled on the clothing which consisted of tight trousers and a black shirt and a shimmering black cloak that allowed me to blend in with the surrounding area. I did my hair in a quick braid, attached my sword and scabbard to my waist and darted out the door.

"Kaida!" I heard a voice behind me shout. I turned around quickly, drawing my sword in one smooth and swift movement.

Standing there was a man dressed in the guard uniform, but I had never seen him before. And I had seen everyone in the palace at least once. And I knew all of their faces. But I didn't know this man. He wasn't someone I'd ever seen before. That set me on edge.

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